This paper concentrates on the primary theme of What techniques can be used to reduce the effects of noise? in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Instructions to candidates:
a) Time
allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading time at the start – do
not write anything during this time)
Answer any FIVE questions
c) All
questions carry equal marks. Marks for each question are shown in [ ]
1. a)
What techniques can be used to reduce the effects
of noise? [6]
Describe the more common methods of reducing noise. [14]
2. a)
Compare the benefits and limitations of PPE. [6]
Consider FOUR situations when respiratory protective equipment may be
necessary. [4]
c) You
are issuing respiratory personal protective equipment to employees. Outline the
criteria you will base your selection upon. [10]
3. a)
List FIVE slip hazards. [10]
Using the FOUR key elements of a health and safety management system,
illustrate how you would reduce the hazards of slips, trips and falls on the
same level, in your work place. [10]
4. a)
Give a brief explanation of what is meant by the working at height regulations. [8]
Provide THREE examples of what is not covered by working at height regulations.
Outline the hierarchy of measures that should be followed to prevent falls from
occurring. [6]
5. a)
Provide advice on special procedures for employees working alone. [10]
Write a policy for your drivers at work in relation to their health and
fitness. [10]
6. a)
Describe the various measures that could be used to prevent or control exposure
to hazardous substances. [12]
Identify FOUR benefits to employers and employees of adherence to COSHH regulations.
7. a)
Outline why vehicles in the workplace are a hazard and how they pose a
potential risk. [6]
Explore measures that could be put in place to reduce the risk of incidents and
injuries caused by vehicles in the workplace. [14]
8. a)
Sketch or describe the FIVE different styles of signs and what EACH one
indicates. [10]
Identify ways in which safety information may be provided to staff, visitors,
contractors or members of the public. [10]