This paper concentrates on the primary theme of The terms the Internet and the World Wide Web are frequently used interchangeably. Give a definition for EACH, making the difference between them clear. in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Instructions to candidates:
a) Time allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading
time at the start – do not write anything during this time)
b) Answer any FIVE questions
c) All questions carry equal marks. Marks for each question are
shown in [ ]
d) Mark allocation should determine the length of your answer and
the time you spend on it. Generally, one mark is awarded for each valid point
e) Ensure that you pay particular attention to words underlined,
in CAPITALS or in bold. FEW OR NO
MARKS will be awarded to any question where these are ignored
f) Read all sections of any question before attempting any part of
g) No computer equipment, books or notes may be used in this
1. a) The terms the Internet and the World Wide Web are frequently used interchangeably. Give a definition for EACH,
making the difference between them clear. [4]
b) Explain the process you would follow in setting up your own
domain name. [4]
c) Describe the client server model, defining the terms ‘client’
and ‘server’. Give examples of possible applications of the model.
d) Discuss how the Internet has changed the way in which business
operates. [8]
2. a) Computers are vulnerable to security threats including
hacking and viruses. Discuss the steps you can take to secure your computer
system. [8]
b) Explain the purposes of a computer virus, giving examples of
how they operate. [4]
c) Write a role profile (job description) for the role of network
supervisor/manager. [8]
3. An office has 20 computers. The manager has decided to set up a
LAN and has asked you to advise on how to do this. Write a short report for the
manager which:
a) Presents the benefits of using a LAN [4]
b) Proposes TWO possible network topologies, presenting the advantages
and disadvantages of EACH. You should provide a sketch of each topology. [10]
c) Explains, with reasons, what additional hardware will be
required to connect the computers into a LAN. [6]
4. a) A university lecturer receives many emails during the course
of their working day. These emails may include: questions from students; pieces
of coursework; messages from other lecturers within the same university; junk
mail; internal administrative messages; staff newsletters; messages from external
contacts; and work to review from academic journals. Describe THREE methods by
which the lecturer might manage these emails in an effective way. [6]
b) The lecturer wants to send a coursework assignment question to
a group of students. The assignment question is a document in Word 2010 format.
The lecturer wishes to send it as an attachment and is aware that many of the
students receive emails on a mobile phone. What issues does this raise and how
could these issues be resolved so that students who receive messages on their
mobile phone are able to read the attachment? [4]
c) The lecturer wishes to send a spreadsheet of students’ marks to
another member of staff within the same university. Explain how this might be
done in a secure manner. [4]
d) Explain what is meant by email etiquette,
illustrating your answer with TWO email etiquette rules. [6]
5. a) Name the SEVEN layers of the original Open Systems
Interconnection model (OSI model), in the correct order, briefly describing the
purpose of EACH layer. [15]
b) Reference is sometimes made to Layer 8 of the OSI model.
Explain what Layer 8 may refer to. [2]
c) Define bandwidth
and explain why it is important. [3]
6. a) Explain what is meant by HMTL