This paper concentrates on the primary theme of News Paper Comparison in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 79. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
You should have two different local papers in front of you. One could be a daily paper, another weekly or student paper. Look at the newspapers, paying special attention to the amount of space devoted to ads compared to that devoted to articles. Look, too, at where the ads are placed within the paper. There are no ads on the front page, but other key places your eye goes are filled with ads, not stories. Can you find examples of that?
OK, if you`re the proprietor of a good pizza joint in town, what`s your relationship with the editors of these papers? How do they think of you? How do you think of them?
The editors (or head ad people) think of you as a great advertiser or a potential advertiser. You want them to think of you as a great advertiser so your ad gets good placement in their papers. What would good placement be to you? Where would you want your ad to go? On the front page, right? You might also always want to be in the same place so your customers can find your coupon easily when they want it. The editor or ad department has lots of considerations:
As many pages as possible for classified ads because they make a lot of money off of them. There are often coupons with pizza ads, so they can`t go back to back.
Some pizza places have been customers for decades so they have special places in the paper. For example, for years Domino`s Pizza always got the bottom, left corner of the second page in Texas Daily. Find ads for similar products, services or industries in your papers. Are they close together or spread out? Why do you think they are placed that way? How much space in the paper is devoted to ads?
There are a lot of ads, aren`t there? They get the good spots -- the spots peoples` eyes are most likely to migrate toward. They get those spots because they pay for them. How are they placed? What types of ads are placed in which sections? Compare the ads in the sports and lifestyles sections, in the food section and international news. You`d never see an ad for a "gentleman`s club" in the front couple of pages of a paper. Where would you find it and why? Now... all of this happens in the advertising department before the editorial department ever gets a hold of the pages. Look at your papers again.
Where is the local, national, international, sports, weather, crime, education, state news? Where does the food section go on Wednesday?
They go between the ads! The news literally gets sandwiched in between the pre-existing ads. Whatever doesn`t fit gets trimmed out. It`s called the news hole. In a newspaper, as counterintuitive as this may seem, the editorial department whittles away at the news until it fits into the holes left over after the ads have been sold and placed. The ads come first and determine what gets reported as news and how. The ads will dictate how long the news stories can be and how many of them will make it in the paper. Economic factors or considerations shape both the content and the form of the news. How did that happen here? Should have 600-750 words on this comparison.