This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Management can only sanction improved systems if they are aware that there are problems with the existing system and are able to identify ways of improving the situation. Discuss ways for management to be able to achieve both of these in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Instructions to candidates:
a) Time
allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading time at the start – do
not write anything during this time)
Answer any FIVE questions
c) All
questions carry equal marks. Marks for each question are shown in [ ]
d) Mark
allocation should determine the length of your answer and the time you spend on
it. Generally, one mark is awarded for each valid point
e) Read
all sections of any question before attempting any part of it
f) Ensure
that you pay particular attention to words underlined, in CAPITALS or in bold. FEW OR NO
will be awarded to any question where these are ignored
g) In
questions requiring reference to particular institutions or applications, your
answer must reflect this.
without these references will score few marks
h) No
computer equipment, books or notes may be used in this examination
1. a)
Management can only sanction improved systems if they are aware that there are
problems with the existing system and are able to identify ways of improving the
situation. Discuss ways for management to be able to achieve both of these. [8]
b) i.
Explain what is meant by the term break-even
Describe a business situation where break-even analysis would be appropriate.
Sketch a graph to illustrate this. Label all parts of the graph and explain
their meaning. [12]
2. A
real estate company sells, rents and maintains a variety of properties (houses,
apartments, single rooms etc.). A number of different tools are used in
business to manage and process information. With specific reference to a real estate company, describe FOUR of those tools listed below:
Relational database
Artificial intelligence
Expert systems
• Data
mining systems
Predictive modelling
EACH, provide a description of what it is, how it is used and how it would
particularly benefit a real estate
company. [5 each]
3. A
sole trader currently uses one car to provide a taxi service. He wants to buy 3
more cars and hire contractors to drive them. He will need new equipment to
allow the drivers to communicate with each other and also with the office,
where calls are taken and bookings made for customers. The cars will need to be
fitted with security cameras to protect the drivers and also specialist
equipment for logging the fares. The fare data will be stored on the main
office computer for auditing and accounts.
Outline the points he should be discussing in a business plan with his bank
manager in order to secure finance to expand his business. [10]
Explain how a computer system might help him to administer the business.
Identify software that would be useful and discuss HOW and WHEN it would be
used. [10]
4. ‘Fingers
and Thumbs’ is a small private nursery
school that looks after children under the age of five while
their parents are at work. There are five staff in total at the nursery school,
the owner Pat and her assistant Maggie, who manage the timetables, accounts and
records of the children who attend the nursery. There are three nursery
teachers who take care of the children. Pat is considering introducing a computer
system to help them manage the running of the business. With particular
reference to a private nursery school employing up to five staff:
Discuss the advantages that the use of computers can bring. [15]
b) What
problems might the nursery school encounter when implementing a computer system
for the first time? [5]
5. a)
Explain what is meant by a MATRIX organizational
structure. [4]
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a MATRIX organizational structure.
Describe a type of business where a MATRIX organizational structure may be
better than traditional organizational structures and explain why. [6]
a) Draw a network diagram for the following project.
A local supermarket plans to open a restaurant within the
store. They need to carry out some
research to determine whether existing customers and local
residents would make use of the
restaurant. Details of the tasks to be undertaken are
outlined in the table below:
Initial research
Must be completed first
Develop questionnaire
Start when A is complete
Develop electronic survey
Start when A is complete
Distribute questionnaires and
Start when B is complete
await responses
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