Identify KBR’s organisational structure and culture Compare and contrast KBR’s organisational structure and culture to that of another similar organisation e.g. an organisation in the same industry
This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Identify KBR’s organisational structure and culture Compare and contrast KBR’s organisational structure and culture to that of another similar organisation e.g. an organisation in the same industry in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Unit Number and level Assessment Title Course Title Assessment Code
Unit 3 - Organisations and Behaviour - Level 4 Organisations and Behaviour - Understanding the Workplace HND Business HNDBUSUnit3/ level 4
Case Study Roles and Responsibilities within an organisational structure. A KBR Case Study available from http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/kbr/roles-and-responsibilities-within-an-organisational-structure/introduction.html#axzz2lpytGCls
LO1 Q 1.1 Compare and contrast KBR’s organisational structure and culture to that of a similar organisation. Identify KBR’s organisational structure and culture Compare and contrast KBR’s organisational structure and culture to that of another similar organisation e.g. an organisation in the same industry Q 1.2 Explain how KBR’s organisational structure and culture affects the performance of the business Explain how KBR’s organisational structure and culture impact business performance Use the case study provided on KBR to help you. Q 1.3 Give examples and discuss factors that influence individual behaviour at work. Review behaviour at work in general Provide at least two examples of factors that influence the behaviour of employees at work. LO2 Q 2.1 Using the case study provided, identify which leadership style is used by KBR and compare the effectiveness of KBR’s leadership style to a similar organisation. Use the case study provided (with reference to the section titled responsibility and authority) Compare the effectiveness of KBR’s leadership styles to that of another similar organisation, one perhaps in the same industry. Q 2.2 Explain how organisational theory including the work of F.W. Taylor underpins management practice. Explain how organisational theory including the work of F.W. Taylor forms basis for management practice Use your lecture notes and academic textbooks to help you Q 2.3 Evaluate different approaches to management used by KBR and one of its competitors. Evaluate different management approaches used by KBR. Compare these approaches with those of one of its competitors Refer to the pros and cons and make judgments on the management approaches. LO3 Q 3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation in KBR and on one of its competitors during an economic depression. Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within KBR during an economic depression Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within one of KBR’s competitors during an economic depression Compare these leadership styles Refer to at least two different leadership styles Select from autocratic, bureaucratic, democratic and laissez-faire leadership styles Q 3.2 Compare the application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Hertzberg’s hygiene and motivational factors within the workplace. Outline Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with Hertzberg’s hygiene and motivational factors Explain how the two theories compare when they are used in the workplace Use workplace examples, that is, where you work or have worked in the past. Q 3.3 Evaluate how useful motivational theory is for managers in the 21st Century Evaluate the pros and cons of motivational theory for managers in the 21st Century Support your answer with examples from motivational theories. LO4 Q 4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within KBR and one of its competitors. Define the term “groups”. Explain group dynamics. Compare group dynamics within KBR to that within one of its competitors. Q 4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit effective teamwork within KBR and one of its competitors. Give examples of factors that help with the development of teamwork Give examples of factors that do not help with the development of teamwork Relate your answer to KBR and one of its competitors As HR Director of KBR. Write a letter to the Managing Director.Using an appropriate model, evaluate the role types needed for effective teamwork.
Ensure you use Harvard Referencing. Ensure that you refer to academic textbooks as well as other sources. Q 4.3 Evaluate how technology affects team functioning within KBR. Evaluate the use of technology on teamwork within KBR Evaluate the impact of technology on teamwork within KBR Discuss the pros and cons of technology and the impact it has on teamwork. As HR Director, write a report to the Managing Director of KBR. The report will focus on the use of new technology in the workplace to improve team performance.
Research new types of technology that can be used in the workplace to improve team performance. Critically evaluate how new technology can be used to improve team performance. Include some of your own suggestions of ways that new technology can be used to improve team performance. Justify use of at least one modern way of technology that can improve the performance of team
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