This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Explain why date of birth is held on data files in preference to age. in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Instructions to candidates:
a) Time allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading
time at the start – do not write anything during this time)
b) Answer ALL of SECTION
A and any FOUR questions chosen from SECTION B
c) SECTION A and each question in SECTION B carry 20 marks. Marks
for sections of questions are shown in [ ]
d) The main application
in each question of Section B is highlighted for quick recognition
e) The number of marks
allocated for each section should determine the length of your answer and the
amount of time you spend on it. Generally ONE point gains ONE mark and is
rarely achieved by one-word answers. Note carefully that where some
questions require details of how hardware or software achieves its task, descriptions
of user actions are unlikely to earn marks
f) Ensure that you pay particular attention to words underlined,
in CAPITALS or in bold. FEW OR NO MARKS will be awarded to any
question where these are ignored
g) No computer
equipment, books or notes may be used in this examination
SECTION A – Answer ALL parts of this question
Explain why date of birth is held
on data files in preference to age.
Draw a diagram to show how printed
documents pass between a retailer and their wholesale
Distinguish between the following
methods of processing:
Describe realistic back-up systems
that a large business would use for its computer data.
Distinguish clearly between data and information.
SECTION B – Answer any FOUR questions from the
2. A large company owns
many SUPERMARKETS located in all the main towns of a
small country. It has two supply depots for groceries, one in the north and one
in the south. This means that any shop is within 150 kilometres of a depot. 100
staff are employed in each depot.
a) Explain how computers
could be used to assist the general running of this business, with particular
reference to supply, bearing in mind that food has a short shelf life. Your
answer should identify
Particular software and hardware.
Explain how both are used and state by whom.
b) Identify statistical information that might
be obtained using the computer system that would be
Helpful to management.
c) Explain how this company might
use a spreadsheet program in a ‘what-if’ context.
3. A LIBRARY is provided
by town authorities but is ONLY available to people who live in the town. The
people must register and pay a small annual charge to borrow books and other
items. A single library card, containing a bar code, is issued to each user
once he or she has registered and paid the enrolment fee. All administrative
processes are controlled by a computer system. Books can be borrowed for up to
three weeks.
a) Detail the data that a potential borrower
must give to register to use the library. Explain how the
System can ensure that users of
the library are eligible to join the library.
b) Describe ALL the steps that the library staff
members will take when a borrower approaches the
Counter with a library card and
four books to borrow.
c) Identify the computer
files that will be held in the library. For EACH FILE, use the TABLE format below
to list FOUR fields and explain how EACH will be used by the system. Ensure ALL
Are different.
Field Name
How the system uses the data