This paper concentrates on the primary theme of evaluate the role of public relations within the travel and tourism sector as a promotional tool. in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Task 1
Context and Scenario:
Visit Britain is the national tourism agency, responsible for marketing Britain worldwide and developing Britain`s visitor economy. Their mission is to build the value of tourism to Britain. They have a global footprint, thanks to their strong digital presence, and market Britain in 21 countries. They have given you a position as a marketing PR trainee for a seaside tourism destination in UK which is in decline so that you can plan an effective public relations and promotion campaign to be implemented within six months.
1.1,1.2,1.3 Evaluate the role and discuss the importance of public relations as a promotional tool to be applied in your chosen seaside tourist destination and analyse the diversity of publics or audiences, including the current and potential visitors and other stakeholders within a travel and tourism context.
2.1, 4.1 Undertake an audit of the chosen destination environments within the context of setting relevant goals and objectives for the campaign by applying a range of PR and promotion skills and produce a public relation plan.
Task 2
Context and Scenario:
So far (from task one) you have had an idea about the overall destination of your chosen seaside resort as well as the diversity of publics or audiences in the destination. You are now required to approach the following:
3.1,3.2 Identify and analyse the key media that can be used in your campaign and assess the relationship between your department (public relations) and the media.
3.3 Evaluate the appropriateness of the media that you have chosen for the PR campaign and justify why they are suitable for your campaign.
Task 3
Context and Scenario:
Now that the campaign is formulated and ready to be implemented you need to:
3.1 Enalyses media used in public relations
3.2 Essess the relationship between public relations and the media
3.3 Evaluate the appropriateness of media used with different public relations techniques in travel and tourism contexts
Task 4
4.1 produce a public relations plan which identifies objectives and key publics
4.2 review the effectiveness of the public relations plan