This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Briefly describe the main functions within an organisation, as identified by Henri Fayol. in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Instructions to candidates:
a) Time
allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading time at the start – do
not write anything during this time)
Answer any FIVE questions
c) All
questions carry equal marks. Marks for each question are shown in [ ]
1. a)
Briefly describe the main functions within an organisation, as identified by
Henri Fayol. [10]
Evaluate which of these functions are associated with business management,
rather than business administration. [10]
2. With
the aid of suitable example organisations and diagrams, explain how the THREE main
types of authority are applied in the organisations you have chosen. [5 each +
5 for diagrams]
3. a)
Explain the main differences between a sole trader and a limited liability
partnership. [10]
Describe the most appropriate sources of finance available to a general
partnership and a private limited company, when setting up in business. [5
4. a) Briefly define the following:
i. CAD
ii. CAM
CIM [3 each]
b) With
the aid of suitable examples, explain under what circumstances and for which
type of product a company would adopt one or all of these techniques. [11]
Evaluate the FIVE main elements in the sequence of dispatch activities when
transporting and distributing goods for sale. [4 each]
6. a)
Describe the main difficulties experienced by small and medium-sized businesses
when funding research and development. [8]
Evaluate the sources of help available for small and medium-sized businesses,
both for the funding of research and development of products and services and
the practical development required. [12]
7. With
the aid of a break-even chart, explain the considerations taken into account
when deciding on the pricing policy for a product or service of your choice.
[12 + 8 for chart]
8. a)
Define the term delegation. [8]
b) With the aid of
suitable examples, evaluate the main factors which influence good delegation.