This paper concentrates on the primary theme of A LARGE file of fixed length records is created from the data of customer transactions as they are received. This file is then used to update a master file of customer records. Describe the processes, both manual and by the computer program, which occur in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Instructions to candidates:
a) Time
allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading time at the start – do
not write anything during this time)
Answer any FIVE questions
c) All
questions carry equal marks. Marks for each question are shown in [ ]
d) Mark
allocations should determine the length and depth of your answer and the time
you spend on it.
A part
question carrying 4 marks normally requires 4 different and valid points
e) In
definitions, do not use the word being defined in your definition, e.g. avoid
the word SERIAL when defining SERIAL FILE
Ensure that you pay particular attention to words underlined, in CAPITALS or in
bold. FEW OR NO
MARKS will
be awarded to any question where these are ignored
g) No
computer equipment, books or notes may be used in this examination
1. a) A
LARGE file of fixed length records is created from the data of customer
transactions as they are received. This file is then used to update a master
file of customer records. Describe the processes, both manual and by the
computer program, which occur if the file is organised as:
sequential [10]
Distinguish carefully between batch and real-time processing. [4]
Explain WHY batch processing is considerably less common now than in the past.
Select TWO of the following methods of data capture:
b) OCR
c) OMR
Barcode reading
a typical application which uses that method
the format of the data before input
how the appropriate input device works from the computer’s point of view
why it is the MOST appropriate method for that particular application [10 each]
3. a)
Give specific BUSINESS examples where EACH of the following validation checks
would be used.
in your answer for EACH:
realistic examples of data – one VALID and one INVALID
• An
explanation of how the computer could detect the invalid one
other check (excluding check digit verification) [12]
Employee numbers are six digits long and are created using the modulo-11 system
with traditional weights 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
the number 354287 and state whether it is valid or not. Show all stages of your
working. [6]
Check digit validation cannot realistically be used for checking all numeric
data. Identify a situation where it is appropriate and one in which it is not.
Continued overleaf
4. a)
Explain why validation is always performed when data is FIRST entered into a
computer and identify problems that would occur if this was not the case. [4]
Employee numbers in a company are 5 digits long including the check digit. The
normal modulo-11 system has been used with weights of 5-4-3-2-1.
the purpose of the check digit. [2]
pay clerk enters an amendment for employee 72646. Explain how this number can
be validated without the need to consult the employee file. Show the checking
process that the validation routine would use and state whether this particular
number is valid or not. [6]
c) An
employee is required to give the dates of the first and last days of his
proposed holiday. EACH date is recorded as three integers (day, month, year).
State all the validation that can be performed on these dates alone. General
answers about validation will score no marks. [8]
5. A
company holds details of all its products on an indexed-sequentially organised
file. In a telephone enquiry, a customer asks for details about product 3456.
The product file is then accessed directly.
Describe all the internal processes, logical and mechanical, that occur from
the moment 3456 is keyed until the details of the product appear on the screen.
Explain why the file is unlikely to be held on CD-ROM. [2]
c) The
file would not be held on magnetic tape. Explain why magnetic tape is still used
for other purposes. [3]
d) Using the following
table, add FIVE more fields that you would expect to find on this PRODUCT
Field Name
Purpose – how it is
Identification and for
printing on a customer invoice
6. a) Data security is of vital interest to any
company. Outline the possible effects of a company with
inadequate security in
its computer system.
b) A
computer system could be vulnerable in a number of ways including:
• Accidental
loss of data
• Hardware
• Deliberate
acts to create problems by staff or other people
EACH of these three, discuss possible ways of eliminating or minimising the
problem. [16]
7. a)
Modern printers can print diagrams with included text. Describe applications
from the world of commerce and industry where diagrams are produced and where:
• A
plotter would be MORE appropriate [4]
• A
printer would be MORE appropriate [4]
answers should explain why EACH is more appropriate.
types of printers which are able to print good quality diagrams
printers which either cannot print diagrams or the quality is poor [4]
c) With
the aid of a diagram, explain how a plotter is able to print diagrams in
different colours and with associated text of different fonts, font sizes and
at different inclinations. [8]
There are many tasks that a standard operating system undertakes. Name a
particular operating system and describe, in detail, FIVE significantly
different tasks that it performs. [20]