
Topic: Yahoo CEO: Past And Current Leadership Assignment

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Topic: Yahoo CEO: Past And Current Leadership Assignment


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Yahoo CEO
Institutional affiliation Yahoo CEO
This paper will deliberate on the leadership and management applied at Yahoo. The company has undergone various leadership transformations whereby each CEO comes with their leadership style. Marissa Mayer is the current CEO, and just like many before her, she came with her style of leadership. This paper will compare her leadership with others and try to figure out the role of the CEO at Yahoo. The paper will discuss the leadership styles employed at the company and their effectiveness. 
Past and current leadership
Ever since the company was established, it has relied on the transactional form of leadership whereby there is a clearly established channel of command. In this kind of leadership, the leader makes all the decisions ("The Relationship Between Neurotic Leadership Styles, Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Worker Attitudes", 2016). He/she motivates employees or the subjects via awarding them rewards for work well done or punishing them when they go wrong. This seemed to be the case at Yahoo. A good example that shows the type of leadership previously used at the company is the scenario where an employee was seeking for absence to witness the birth of their child. The then CEO asked the individual to take a look again at their priorities and set them straight. This shows that the leader makes all the decisions for the employees and they are never or allowe...

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