
Topic: What Are The Most Important Concepts Of Zen? Why?

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Topic: What Are The Most Important Concepts Of Zen? Why? in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Topic: What Are The Most Important Concepts Of Zen? Why?


SOURCES: These questions are designed to be answered with only the sources required for class (textbook and the readings on Canvas) and your lecture notes. and your lecture notes. A good paper will have information from more than one source (lecture AND textbook AND Canvas readings where appropriate). Citing should be done according to the following examples:
• (Analects, 1:3) 
• (Daodejing) note: only one page in the reading, so no need for a page number
• (Kasulis, 2) note: Kasulis is the author of the reading on rice
• (Epic of Gilgamesh, 2) note: use page number from PDF
• (Genesis 6:21-22) note: the first number is the chapter number and the second is the verse or verses.
FORMATTING: Double-space your paper and use a standard 12 pt. font (Times New Roman, Times, Arial, etc.) 
Papers will be graded on the following requirements:
1) Proper formatting and mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling)
2) How well the paper answers the chosen question in the following ways:
• Thesis (Is there a strong thesis offered in the introduction?)
• Argument (How well does the student maintain and defend the thesis statement throughout the paper?)
• Evidence (What examples, specifics, and other evidence does the paper offer to support the thesis/argument?)


Concepts of Zen





Concepts of Zen


Zen is attributed to the awakening of a Japanese man called Shakyamuni Gotama who lived about 2500 years ago in India. Zen forms the heart of the Japanese culture within the context of the school Mahayana Buddhism. The whole idea of Zen is the practice of Zen meditation also known as Zazen. Za means sitting while zen is meditation, according to the Japanese. Zen, therefore, is a way of self-discovery and vigilance attained by sitting and meditating on a meditation cushion. When Zen is practiced, it becomes an attitude of spiritual awakening from which the entire actions of life flow such as eating, breathing, sleeping, talking, walking and thinking among many others. Thus, Zen is a meditation practice that emphasizes rigorous self-control which should be expressed or reflected in one`


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