
Topic: The Need for Health Insurance Research Assignment Paper

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Topic: The Need for Health Insurance Research Assignment Paper


My paper is on The need for Health insurance.
Directions: Write the 1st draft of your Argumentative Research Paper using the APA style of documentation. The argumentative research paper should be approximately 8-9 pages in length, complete with an abstract of 150 words, an interesting introduction and thesis statement, at least 6 references, a well-developed conclusion, and the reference page. Your argumentative research paper will be graded according to the following specifications:
• The scope of the research topic is narrow enough to handle the subject matter effectively.
• The writer remains focused on the purpose of the paper.
• The writing is well-organized.
• Central points are made in each paragraph. Each paragraph includes a clear topic sentence.
• Research is drawn from researched articles. (Research is drawn from the literature (i.e., peer-reviewed articles) and an in-depth analysis of at least six (6) research articles with no more than one non-juried/non-refereed Internet site being used.)
• The writer clearly presents contrary opinions about his/her thesis statement.
• The writer used quotation, summary and paraphrasing skills in providing information.
• The writer relies on objective data to support his/her final claim.
• The writer provides enough information for the audience to understand each argument or claim.
• Conclusion contains a summary of the findings and possible recommendations for future research.
• The writer supports generalizations effectively with vivid details and vivid examples.
• The paper is in APA style form.
• The paper includes a one paragraph abstract.
• The paper includes a thesis statement which expresses the over-arching point of the research paper.
• There is an attention-getter to capture the reader`s interest at the beginning of the paper.
• The introduction establishes the context of the topic in broad terms.
• The paper is free from grammatical errors.
• Information is cited correctly.
• All sources are cited correctly on the Reference Page.
• Overall the paper reflects college level writing skills.


The need for health insurance Name Institution of affiliation Date The need for health insurance Health Insurance is an insurance scheme where the buyer pays a premium per agreed period. In exchange the insurance company undertakes to pay the insured`s health and medical bills should the insured fall sick. On the surface, health insurance seems as an unnecessary inconvenience. Noting it constitutes paying a pre-determined amount in exchange for protection that one may not never require. Modern developments in health such as cell mutations, obesity, lifestyle diseases make the possibility of ailments and sickness higher than it was in previous decades. Mental ailments have also risen in the US. This is in noting the stresses of modern day life on the psyche of the average American. These issues and many more support the need for health insurance. However, health insurance costs have risen in recent years. Attempts by the federal government to cap these costs with the introduction of the Affordable Care Act have resulted in mixed results. The notion of insurance exchanges while fundamentally changing health insurance provision has resulted in a rise in costs. The paper therefore examines both sides of the discourse. The paper will conduct an empirical examination of the facts in its quest to determine the efficacy of health insurance in a post globalized world. Support for Health Insurance The statistics however prove the necessity of health insuranc...

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