
Topic: Proteins and Nucleic Acids, The Protein Structures

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Topic: Proteins and Nucleic Acids, The Protein Structures in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Topic: Proteins and Nucleic Acids, The Protein Structures


Double space , essay and paraphaased all information . use cited paper.

Proteins account for more than 50% of the drymass of most cells Protein functions include structural support storage, transport cellular communications movement, and defense against foreign substancesPROTEIN STRUCTURE Proteins are made of chains of amino acids. There are only 20 amino acids, but they can be combined innearly infinite ways. The sequence of amino acids determines the shape of theprotein. The shape of the protein is the biggest factor thatdetermines its function.


Proteins and Nucleic Acids



Course Title:



Proteins and Nucleic Acids


Proteins are organic compounds found in the cells of a living organism. They make approximately 50% of the dry mass of the majority of the cells of a living organism. Proteins play numerous roles in the body. Some of the roles played by the proteins include offering structural support, transport, and storage, and acting as a medium of cellular communications. Moreover, proteins are also involved in the movement, and in defending the body against pathogens.

Proteins Structure

Proteins are primarily comprised of amino acid chains. There are twenty naturally occurring amino acids, that can be amalgamated in many different ways. An arrangement of the amino acids determines the general shape of a given protein


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