
Topic: Prevention of Early Childhood Caries Research Assignment

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Topic: Prevention of Early Childhood Caries Research Assignment


I am currently in my last semester of a Master of Health Care Management . I need to work in a project, but before I start my project I need to present a project written plan for approval . Bellow are all the information about my project in Prevention of Early Childhood Caries. 
I need three objectives, in logical sequence, Justify each objective with a short rationale. Plus ten references. Ten references must be scholarly references. Please read bellow so you have an idea about my project. 
My project will be a data analysis to improve oral health in pediatric patients in ABC Family Health Network. For the proposed project, I will work collaboratively with IT department. Data will be collected in aggregate data form using ICD-10 CM, CPT, and ADA codes to protect confidentiality. One constriction for my project will be if institutional review board approval will take more than two weeks. For this project, I will focus on the fluoride varnish of children 6 months up to six years old, and dental sealant in children six up to nine years old. Furthermore, my project will be presented to performance Improvement department of ABC Family Health Network to improve quality of care in pediatric patients of the “Smile the Deal “program.
2. Measurable. 
How will you measure whether the goal has been reached (list at least two indicators)?
Number of fluoride varnish treatments and numbers of sealants applied will be compared to either center`s benchmark data, or external benchmark data if available.
3. Achievable: 
My project is achievable. Health data analysis is critical to effective advocacy efforts, program development, policy implementation, and monitoring interventions in public health. CDC encourages use of health data analysis to evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency and improve of oral health programs in prevention of Early childhood caries. Specially focus on fluoride varnish and dental sealants. Health data analysis have been used by other community`s center in the United states to improve oral health programs in prevention of Early childhood caries in dental sealants and fluoride varnish. I have expertise in dental and my track in this Master program is Health Informatics. This project will be a challenge for me because I will practice what I have learned in this program.
4. Results-focused.
Improve compliance of our oral health services of pediatric patients.
Measure quantity of oral health services in fluoride varnish and sealants in pediatric patients.
Evaluate Improvement in pediatric patients oral care and patient outcomes by reporting & sharing data with healthcare providers
5. Time-bound: 
Work product (Written Plan) by April 3rd, 2017. Starting day May 1st, 2017, Data Extraction and Aggregation: collection of data used by the analysis by May 5th,2017. Known limitations in the data set that would affect interpretation of the results of the analysis is definitive a must in my project. For example, one of potential problems that I could face is missing data. In this case, I might use a proxy variable, for this reason, I will have a mentor in IT Department who will guide me to fix this problem. (Interim deliverables by May 15th, 201). Final analysis by May 30th, 2017. Project Presentation to improvement Department committee by June 16th, 2017. By June 23th PowerPoint presentation, data analysis report, and written project report. June 30th Submission of written report, Oral Presentation, and Project evaluation. Further, this time-bound project of six weeks will contribute to our organization goals to improve prevention in early childhood decay in children.
Revised Goal:
Create a health data analysis on fluoride varnish of children six months up to six years old, and dental sealant in children six up to nine years old in six weeks, and present it in form of a report with graphs and tables to performance Improvement department of ABC Family Health by June 15th, 2017. This project will be used as a tool to improve quality of care in pediatric patients of the “Smile of the deal” program. Submission of final written report along project evaluation and oral presentation by June30th, 2017.


Prevention of Early Childhood Caries

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Prevention of Early Childhood Caries


Dental carries has remains the most chronic illness among the children and most prevalent among the disadvantaged population. Parents of the victimized children end up taking myriad of resources to treat it despite their inability to afford. Cases of unattended dental carries causes the citizens to experience pain and discomfort, which also affects their school performance. For these reason, it is necessary to investigate on the prevention measures of early childhood caries. Therefore, the objective of the project include

1 To improve compliance of our oral health services of pediatric patients



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