Topic: Portfolio Project Option #1: Problem Analysis Paper
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Topic: Portfolio Project Option #1: Problem Analysis Paper Instructions:
For the final Portfolio Project , write a paper that includes an assessment and analysis of a psychology-related problem or challenge. Include the following in your paper: Portfolio Idea: (I have included the actual APA-formatted paper for you with the correct formatting): "Discussing the organization concerns that come with merging four distinctly different entities into one company in a quick transaction. Often referred to as a merger or acquisition, my company bought and merged four medical offices into one company and it has been quite challenging. I think writing about those apparent and not-so-apparent challenges would make a fascinating portfolio project. Everything from re-vamping employee handbooks, to pay equality, to employee attitude...I feel this would be an interesting process which I could turn into a great portfolio project." This should be a challenge that you have encountered in an organization in which you currently or previously worked. Develop a potential solution using concepts or strategies from the course textbook and additional scholarly sources. Provide sufficient detail when describing the problem, including the type of organization and division/department in which the problem occurred, as well as any other pertinent background factors. Portfolio milestones are due in the weeks they are assigned. Go to the week’s assignments page for full details. Please adhere to the following requirements for the paper: Adhere to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements Include at least five full pages, but not to exceed seven Use at least five sources, including a scholarly journal article Have an introduction and strong thesis Make use of support and examples supporting your thesis Finish with a forceful conclusion reiterating your main idea Demonstrate critical thinking Be free of grammar and spelling errors.
Problem Analysis Paper – Cultural Remedy for the Psychological impacts of Workplace Mergers Your Name January 9, 2017 Your Institution of Affiliation Introduction The news about Mergers and Acquisition of a smaller company by a bigger one is not new anymore. Most of the times, mergers happen for the sake of the company’s survival or for chances of getting much bigger profits. However, most literature that talks about this, one theme that seems to always be forgotten is the discussion about its psychological effects to the employees. Perhaps, this trend is because of the belief that the effects of mergers do not always permeate as deep in the organizations as compared to restructuring done by a single company. At times, when companies merge, it seems that the only changes that would occur are those in the administrative level, while the basic functions of every employee remain untouched. However, in most cases, mergers usually restructures that whole company even to the most basic positions in order to fit with the new administration`s mission, vision, and goals. Having experienced this, the author of this paper would try to lay out some of the psychological issues and stresses that employee of a newly merged company face. In line with this, the author believes that in order to cope with this stresses, there is a great need to consider both the workplace and the personal “culture” that the organization...
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