
Topic: Operations and Project Management at Burj Al Arab Jumeirah

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Topic: Operations and Project Management at Burj Al Arab Jumeirah in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Topic: Operations and Project Management at Burj Al Arab Jumeirah


As per course leader advise you can use in assessment the following things
1. Trends and issues 
2. Technology 
3. Sustainability 
4. Projects plan ( Jumeirah has some new projects over the world+ Burj Alarab terrace) 
5. Construction and renovation
Assessment for Operations and Project Management:
reference should be up to date
1. Introduction (What are u trying to do in your paper? Directions and focus, objectives How is this paper organized).
2. Organization Background and its strategic mission
3. Operational strategy (what they are using – a top down, bottom up, integrated, resource based approach?
4. Critique the approach Operational management (How are they managing their operations? Discuss operational models -use 1 or2 models; present the models or theories – the advantages, issues, swot analysis etc…the way the company applies the model, how the model is impacting operations, give examples, link theory to practice.
5. Synthesis –summarizing all the above, the key arguments, – is the company doing the right thing?
6. Evaluation
7. Recommendations
8. Conclusion.
course Content:
Introduction to Operations Management
· Management models including systems Analysis theories and models
· Introduction to Project Management tools: The Balance scorecard
· Know your business
· Delivering service experiences in Hospitality and Spa industry
Management and Improving Operation
· Operational strategic models
· The five performance objectives
· Developing Strategies for hotel Operations
· Development of KPIs and Strategy Maps
Designing customer service experience and related operational processes and procedures
· Operations Design
· Decision making and impact operations and outcomes
· Management Performance
· Running Hotel and Spa Operations
Project Management and Operations Management
· The concept Project Management
· Project Management systems
· Project Design
· Project Cycle,
· Principles
· Theoretical Tools, related software products and Application to include:
-Gannt chart
.score cards
-Why why model
-fishbone model
-Porters value chain
-proposal templates
Assessment brief:
An individual report that critically evaluates the strategic approach adopted by a service based organisation towards its operations. (4,000 words).
· Your introduction should clearly indicate the focus that you are intending to adopt to answer the question set
· You are encouraged to incorporate and apply relevant operations management models and concepts (3 - 4 topics) in your discussion and it is expected that strong evidence of independent reading, in particular a good range of contemporary journal material should be incorporated into your report to support clear lines of argument.
· References should underpin lines of argument
· Clear reasoned conclusions which sum up the key points, answer the question set and offer your final judgement are encouraged
Formative: students to produce a document that provides an outline of the report and intended areas of discussion.
Suggested structure:
Title page
Contents page – with page numbers
Main body – with numbered headings 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, etc.


Operations and Project Management atBurj Al Arab Jumeirah

Feb 2017

Table of Contents TOC o "2-4" "Heading 1,1,Unnumbered 1,1"


2Burj Al Arab hotel2

2.1Hotel background2

2.2Strategic Mission2

2.3Strategic Vision3

3Operation management4

3.1Functions of Operations4

3.2Burj Al Arab hotel`s Operational Strategy6

3.3Transformation Model in Burj Al Arab operation9

4Project management12

4.1Burj Al Arab terrace project overview12

4.2Project management approaches13

4.3Project Management Tools and Techniques (Porter’s Value chain)14





List of figures and Tables

Figure 1

Functions of Burj Al Arab Operation


Figure 2

Burj Al Arab Operations strategy approches


Figure 3

Transformation Model


Figure 4

Transformation Model for Burj Al Arab Operation


Figure 5

Burj Al Arab Terrace project approaches


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