Topic: Nutrition Public Health: The World Health Organization (WHO)
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Topic: Nutrition Public Health: The World Health Organization (WHO) Instructions:
Let`s look at some public health sites. Start with the Healthy People 2020 area on nutrition and weight. Are these goals the ones you think we should be looking toward as a country? Let`s share some web resources in this discussion board. Do you have a favorite public health site? If you do not have a favorite site to share, check out a different public health site (besides Healthy People 2020) and let us know if it was helpful. NHANES has a site, WHO, ADA, etc. Please post with at least one reference for a total of 2 posts this week. In this discussion let`s check out the Healthy People 2020 website with some special attention to the nutrition section. http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/nutrition-and-weight-status/objectives What do you think? Are these goals the ones you think we should be looking toward as a country? Let`s share some web resources in this dicussion board. Do you have a favorite site? If you do not have a favorite site to share, check out a different public health site and let us know if it was helpful. NHANES has a site, WHO, ADA, etc. Do some research on nutrition and public health programs for children or adults. Does any of this seem to be making a difference? Please post at least one reference for the week in two total posts.
Public Health Student`s Name Institutional Affiliation Public Health The only basic key to survival is eating, but this analogy is a double-edged sword due to the several risks involved with what we eat. Careless eating may lead to death and observe a proper nutritional diet may lead to a long and healthy life. Unhealthy eating contributes to chronic diseases and obesity which happens to be among the causes of death in the United States of America. Although most people may not think t
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