Topic: Nutrition Case: Problem Facing the Patient - Diarrhea
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Topic: Nutrition Case: Problem Facing the Patient - Diarrhea Instructions:
Mrs. Green is 45 years old and in the last year has had inconsistent bowel troubles. Most of the time she suffers from constipation. However, in the last two days she has been experiencing diarrhea, which is a significant change. There are no GI problems in her family history. She`s especially concerned because she has been losing weight unintentionally. She usually has a good appetite, but has been nervous to eat recently because of the diarrhea. Up until 3 months ago, she used to eat 1 cup of Fiber One cereal per day and 1 cup of raw grits in addition to the diet described below in the 24-hour recall. She has some basic skills with cooking, but wanting to modify some of her favorite options. She likes the crunch and grittiness of the cereals and seeds and wanting to maintain that texture. She is currently working full time as a social working and also going to school to get her Master`s Degree. She`s wondering if she has IBS or Diverticulitis or if the bowel troubles she is experiencing is just related to stress. Weight History: Weight: 138# Height: 5`7” UBW: 145# BMI: 21.6 Biochemical Data: None available Past Medical History: Depression/Anxiety HPV Lifestyle Habits: Physical Activity: walking briskly 5x/week, 40 minutes Grocery shops at a food Co-op on a weekly basis; also buys ready made food at a gourmet shop She and husband both cook, have basic skills and cook 2 to 3 days per week Diet History: Current Appetite: Hearty Food Allergies: NKFA Food Security: Adequate, spends ~$200-250/week disposable income for food for family of 3 Medications/Supplements: Lexapro 10 mg/day Colace, 3 tablets per day Flaxseed oil Omega 3 oil Vitamin E B Complex
Case Study- Nutrition Name Institution Date Part 1 The main problem facing the patient is that she has experienced diarrhea, which has led to a drastic weight loss in the last two weeks. Even though she has experienced inconsistent bowel trouble in the past year, she has also had constipation. The diarrhea has affected the way Mrs. Green eats as she is nervous and picky about what she eats. Unlike the past three months, the client no longer consumes 1 cup of Fiber One cereal per day and 1 cup of raw grits. The goal for the client is to maintain healthy eating, reduce the risk of diarrhea and improve health outcomes. The low fiber foods are preferred to avoid the risk of prolonged diarrhea, constipation and improve the nutritional status, but there is also a need to consider whether the medication affect the client`s health condition. Modifying the recipe or choosing other recipes wit
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