Topic: Music Has Great Potential for Healing People Research
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Topic: Music Has Great Potential for Healing People Research Instructions:
Argumentative persuasive essay Guidelines Part 1: Introduction and thesis statement Part 2: Research or background information Part 3: Body paragraphs a. Topic sentence b. Fact (cite) c. Example/Scenario d. Explain how b and c prove a e. Restate your stance Part 4: Counterargument a. Present counterargument (opposing view) b. Agree or disagree and restate stance c. Provide fact and/or example to support your stance d. Restate your stance Part 5: Dr. Phil Moment You may vent, share personal experiences, provide a solution, etc. Part 6: Conclusion a. Restate thesis statement b. Restate supporting details c. Closing remarks APA format, TIMES NEW ROMAN, font 12, in-text citations, at least 5 sources, double space, NO PLAGIARISM. Thank you.
Music Has Great Potential for Healing People Names Institution Affiliation Introduction The subject of music as a relaxing and remedial agent is a current debate that is being discussed in the modern society. The use of music to improve our physical, physiological and psychological health is an interesting theme that has attracted many researchers to investigate the fact behind it. Music remedy involves heeding to songs, dancing, singing or using music devices. Melody can trigger cerebral impulses that create a feeling of relaxation and reduce negative emotional feelings than depresses a human being. People should be encouraged to use music as a healing agent when sick, or when there is need to prevent mood disorders to ensure they live a healthy life. Background Information Melody is processed in the cerebrum, and listening to music has the same effect as physical body exercise on the brain. There are transitory advantages of paying attention to music such as enhanced rate of material processing in the cerebrum, brain retention, thinking and awareness. In addition music improves inventiveness in an individual who regularly pay attention to music. It also improves the sign attributed to cerebrovascular disorder such as impaired speech, cognition and body movement (Pritchard, 2014). People who listen to music during treatment procedure feel less pain than those in silent room...5
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