
Topic: Introduction to American Ethnic Studies Writing Assignment

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Topic: Introduction to American Ethnic Studies Writing Assignment


Read: Gómez, Laura E., “Where Mexicans Fit in the New American Racial Order,” from Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican American Race (2007), 47-79

Read: Menchaca, Martha. “The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Racialization of the Mexican Population,” from Recovering History, Constructing Race: The Indian, Black, and White Roots of Mexican Americans (2001, 2009), 215-276

Watch: Cesar’s Last Fast documentary (Available as Instant View on Netflix or as a $3.99 rental in iTunes)

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Respond to each question within 3-5 sentences. 

1.How do Laura E. Gómez and Martha Menchaca describe the concept of the “other” in their chapters? Is there still evidence of the “other” in our contemporary United States conceptualization of race?

2. Describe the concept of Double Colonization as explained by Laura E. Gómez. How are the effects of double colonization still evident in the Southwest United States?

3. How did the U.S. government violate the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo after it acquired the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado, Kansas, and Oklahoma from Mexico? Is the legacy of this racial violation of the Treaty still evident in our society today?

4. How is race used as a means for granting or denying privilege in our society?

5. How did Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers (UFW) bring discussions of racial, social, and class unevenness to the forefront of society? Why is it important to recognize work toward social justice in U.S. society of this manner?


Introduction to American Ethnic Studies


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Introduction to American Ethnic Studies

Question 1

There is evidence of the “other: in the modern conceptualization of race. The US is largely identified as a “white” society. This is despite the statistics noting the significant number of non-white races in the US. However, this identity provides for the self-conceptualization of the US as a white man’s country. This thus, fuels the notion that non-white populations such as blacks, Hisp


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