Topic: Internet Is Changing Our Way of Thinking Research Paper
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Topic: Internet Is Changing Our Way of Thinking Research Paper Instructions:
Final Research Paper Question: Your job is to complete the following research question: 1) The Internet is a part of our daily lives. Discuss how the Internet is changing the way we think today and in the future? I would like you to talk about 2 main points: First:How internet changing our brains for example (we are not reading we are surfing information) and (how Google making us stupids) *the following references will help you to answer this part, you can add other references as well. 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lt_NwowMTcg 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W86P_FX6PdI Second: How Internet affect our social life. the following reference will help you to answer this part, you can add other references as well. http://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/7672099/nie%20and%20erbring-internet%20and%20society%20a%20preliminary%20report.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1478657854&Signature=kUZh59ZtoPtY86eq2mHrs%2BhvmNw%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DInternet_and_society.pdf other instructions: -Word Length: Approximately 2200 words -Please remember that you will need to have 9 VARYING academic references: Journals, Webpages, Newspaper articles and Text books. -You will need to include: Reference List and an Appendix.
INTERNET IS CHANGING OUR WAY OF THINKING By Name Course code+name Instructor`s name University name City, State Date of submission Internet Is Changing Our Way of Thinking IntroductionTechnology has capsized human existence upside down. Currently, digital gadgets and social media have occupied a huge legroom in our lives capturing a wider span of our attention than never before. The Internet has revolutionized communication channels and the way people communicate. The Internet has changed almost every facet of life; the way we do shopping, sharing good moments with other people, sharing pictures, booking travel tickets, applying for a job and many other duties. The internet has facilitated the spread of news and today one does not only have to watch a television set to get updated rather follow what is happening right from the handset in hand. It is for these reasons that the human reliance on the internet has become too much to the extent that the internet itself has changed the way we think and the social connections with one another. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate how humans currently think and in future. It shall also seek to unravel ways in which internet has and is affecting our lives. How the Internet is Changing Our Brains The most affected part of the body by internet is the brain. This is because the internet first distracts the mind; people currently have little information at the fingerprints due to disruption and di...
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