Topic: Information Technology: Cloud Computing, Future of Business
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Topic: Information Technology: Cloud Computing, Future of Business Instructions:
Technologies have been used to create new markets and business models. What are the most significant impacts of technologies on your workplace, business dealings, education or other aspects of your life? Describe how testing new theories in IT contribute to the future of business. Cite your sources 2.think about the organizations about which you have read or interacted. Provide an example of a positive or negative response to technological change and explain why you selected 3.How is technology fundamentally changing some industries? Give one example. Cite your sources 4.What is Cloud Computing? Provide at least one example of cloud computing in a business operation. Do you think that Cloud Computing is here to stay? If so, why. 5.Compare and contrast the so-called traditional work environment versus distance working, “telecommuting”. You might want to provide evidence from the readings that illustrates advantages of telecommuting such as small organizational size, a high proportion of international employees, and variable compensation. 6. How is technology fundamentally changing business competition? Give an example Identify one wireless/ mobile internet access product in your life now. What did you read in one of the articles that is relevant to the product you now own? Please explain. Cite your source 7.Discuss at least one application you found absolutely necessary to download on a mobile device. Can you trace the application`s beginning back to something you read in the background material? Please explain.
IT & COMPUTER SCIENCE Name: Course: Institution: Tutor: Date: Introduction Technology has come a long way since the conventional days to the advancements seen today. The use of the internet and other innovative technological strategies has greatly improved the society, and especially the business world. This paper provides an analysis of some of the ways in which technology has changed and impacted
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