Topic: HLS 6070 DF6 Comments: Law Enforcement, GIS System
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Topic: HLS 6070 DF6 Comments: Law Enforcement, GIS System Instructions:
Comment on these 2 postings as if you were talking in my voice, do not lose the name above each post. 100 words and 3 sources each. Please separate the sources for each posting: Tyler Cuming After reviewing this week’s material and watching the videos, I think the GIS technology used with UPS would be/is essential to the emergency management environment. While watching the UPS video, my first reaction was that we should definitely be using the technology they use with our law enforcement. What do I mean by that? A hot debate has been whether law enforcement have been too forceful in minority communities. While the body cameras are a great addition, what about the GIS tools that UPS uses for tracking their drivers? They can see pretty much every move that their drivers make and even know if their drivers are wearing their seatbelts. What if we used that in our law enforcement communities as a sort of checks and balances? It’s an interesting debate. The other thing emergency management can take from UPS is the way they map out their routes and roads. Firetrucks, ambulances, and other emergency services need to know what roads they can take and the most efficient routes, so using a system similar to the one UPS has would be very beneficial – although I’m sure they are already using some sort of similar system. The biggest thing for me in the video was the counter-graffiti portion. From an intelligence analysis perspective, this is huge. Lets take the graffiti as an example. The more pictures taken of graffiti, the better, for me as an analyst. Why? To the person taking the picture of the graffiti (or any other crime), it just seems like any other crime. BUT, that person doesn’t have access to the big picture scenario. Say PersonX takes a photo of graffiti in the Allston area of Boston. The next week PersonY takes another photo of the same graffiti in the Brighton area of Boston. A few days later PersonZ takes another photo of a similar looking graffiti in the Brookline Area. To all of these people, they are isolated incidents. To me as an analyst, it shows that these crimes are all being committed in a certain radius, potentially giving me an area of operation for a gang or something of that nature. This is how you get out in front of crime. When we talk about greater functionality I think this is what we’re talking about. This graffiti example is super small scale. What if this was implemented into DHS’s “see something, say something campaign”, where you could send photos with grid coordinates straight to DHS fusion centers? Or your local police, FBI, ect. It’s all about finding patterns. Crime mapping and the aforementioned UPS systems all help in getting out in front of problems before they occur Emanuella Vradis UPS uses GIS technologies to have their operations researchers decipher the most cost-effective and efficient routes for drivers each day. GIS also allows HQ or the regional office to see where drivers are at a given moment. This enables customers who request “on-demand” pick-up to have the nearest driver head over to pick up the package because GIS technologies show the location of every driver in a regional territory. UPS using GIS is a major key in their safety protocols. It shows what drivers are wearing their seatbelt, if they close the door behind them, the speed they are traveling, if they stopped at a stop sign, etc. What was interesting is how UPS is able to update their maps. A red circle shows up where something is wrong with the map. People are then able to talk to the driver to see if there is a new road or development not currently on the map and then the person is able to add that road to their map, virtually updating the map on demand. The emergency management environment could use GIS technologies in the form that UPS does as well as in the way that the counter-graffiti smart phone application does. This actually reminded me a current phone application called Waze as they work in a similar fashion. I used it on my drives from Buffalo to Long Island. Basically it is a GPS application that allows any driver to update the map, showing where there a police vehicles hidden, road work, closed roads, car accidents, traffic, etc. This lets users know in real time if they should alter their route. When emergency responders are heading to a disaster site, it would be useful to know what roads are closed or flooded so responders can alter their routes. This will enable fire trucks, ambulances, and those carrying vital resources to get to those in need much faster. UPS` solution can be combined with crime-mapping solutions to enable greater functionality as well. UPS trucks are attractive targets, especially during the holidays because of all the packages they carry. Crime-mapping can show any "danger" areas and if the UPS truck is not delivering in those areas then it would be smart for the operations researchers to create a safer route. It could work the opposite for the FBI or other law enforcement agencies. That could show areas where a greater presence of law enforcement is needed as well as ensure their officers are following safety protocols.
GIS in Crime Name: Institution: Course: Date: Tyler Cuming The law enforcement department has been trying to make some changes relative to aspects such as community policing and basically staying ahead of the criminal activities. In the recent development where police are now using body cameras, there is some improvement in the level of accountability. This with close reference to the significance of the evidence that is col
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