Topic: History: The Study of Past Events, Particularly in Human Affairs
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Topic: History: The Study of Past Events, Particularly in Human Affairs Instructions:
As we come to the end of our discussions, I would be interested in connecting your recent past (i.e., this semester) with your present and future -- in other words, please reflect on how you will "use" what you have learned this semester as you plan for and create your own present and future. Think about what you wrote in our Orientation Unit about the value and importance of studying history. Analyze your experience in this class based on your initial comments and expectations. You can reflect on skills you have developed, knowledge you have gained, etc. And you can talk about how this course will help you in your personal, civic, and/or professional life. THIS IS MY MY ORIENTATION DISCUSSION : Important Of Studying History History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs. often including an explanation of or commentary on those events .It is important to study history so one may learn about past human behavior that is relevant to the intellectual growth and development of an individual. Studying the events of the past give us an understanding of how the world came to be, not only in your world but around the world including all cultures of people as well as nature. By learning about the causes and effects of events in history, people can learn better ways to deal with conflict among nations and individuals. Studying the history of environmental changes can enhance a healthier lifestyle for mankind, as well as prevent the extinction of plants and animals, which could disturb our ecosystems. Although human behavior is unpredictable at times, a better understanding through the study of history, can provide valuable insight for our future generations. One of the greatest point that stand out for me in studying history is that it allows us to learn about some ideas that began 100 years ago that are still a modern day issue. An example of this would be in America, to look back at the suffragettes of the early 20th century who paved the way for the modern day equal rights movement. They were fighting to make sure that women could be treated as equal citizens of our country, including the right to vote, own property, or hold credit. In fact, it wasn`t until the “(Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974)” that women were allowed to possess a credit card in their own names (not attached to a father or husband`s account). The equal rights movement is still a current hot topic 100 years later. In conclusion, history is interesting to me because it gives us chance to know a lot of past events and gather ideas from them.
Experience in History Course Name: Instructor`s Name: Date: History as a subject enables us to discern about our origins, appreciate our cultures as well as others. It also gives us a picture of who we are where we came from and why things are the
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