Topic: Food and Play Policy Research Assignment Paper
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Topic: Food and Play Policy Research Assignment Paper Instructions:
Food and Play Policy Control your own attitudes about feeding children and you`re already in position to influence other adults to adopt a division of responsibility in their homes and classrooms. Develop a strong policy to guide adult behaviors in feeding and active play, and you help them extend their influence on children`s healthy development. You help create an environment in which it is easy for children to make healthy eating and active play choices. • Assume that you are the director for a specific child-serving program: child-care (infant/toddler, pre-school, after-school, etc.), educational (formal UPK, primary, elementary, middle, or, high-school or non-formal out-of-school time program such as after-school, scouting, 4-H, drop-in centers, etc.), or recreational (out-of-school time, enrichment, resident or day camp, etc.) • What policy guidelines would you want to implement to mold your program in an environment where it is easy for children to make healthy choices and therefore develop healthy habits that may serve them now and sustain them throughout their lives? Part 1: Use Research-Based Promising Practices to Guide Policy Development/Improvement • Read at least three contemporary research articles (at least one from the list below) to gather ideas about what specific guidelines should be included in a food and active play policy for a specific child-serving program. • Describe and critique each article for its validity and relevance to your selected child-serving program. • Identify key research findings to incorporate into the program`s policy. Part 2: Develop a Policy to Promote Healthy Eating and Active Living Develop (or improve an existing) food and active play policy for the program you selected. Base the policy on principles of excellence and/or promising practices as identified within the research articles you critiqued. Use policy-development guidelines in the "Policies That Make Healthy Choices Easier" content page in this module. Include families with guidelines about foods brought from home and ways families can support and reinforce healthy behaviors at home. Research Article Options: Choose one article from list below, and find other scholarly articles that are relevant to your selected program needs. (All links open in a new window.) • Anzman-Frasca, S., Newman, M. B., Angstrom, H. M., Sharma, S., Nelson, M. E., Dolan, P. R., & Economos, C. D. Parent perspectives on nutrition and physical activity during out-of-school time. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 46(3), 156–163. • Bellows, L., Spaeth, A., Lee, V., & Anderson, J. Exploring the use of storybooks to reach mothers of preschoolers with nutrition and physical activity messages. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior,45(4), 362–367. • Berge, J. M., Arikian, A., Doherty, W. J., & Neumark-Sztainer, D. Healthful eating and physical activity in the home environment: results from multifamily focus groups. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44(2), 123–131. • Henderson, Karla A.; Saltmarsh, Amy. (2012, March/April). Make a Commitment: Encouraging Wellness and Healthy Living at Camp. Camping Magazine. Retrieved from https://www.acacamps.org/campmag/ • Longacre, M. R., DeFrancis, G. F., Fenzel, M., Drake, K. M., Langeloh, G. E., & Dalton, M. A. Student scientists learn about energy balance through science museum-academic partnership. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 45(1), 90–93. • Lyn, R., Evers, S., Davis, J., Maalouf, J., & Griffin, M. "Barriers and Supports to Implementing a Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention in Child Care: Directors` Perspectives." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 44(3), 171–180. • National After School Association. "Study Finds Majority of OST Programs Using NAA Physical Activity Standards." Retrieved from http://naaeb.org/resources. • Rice, K. R., & Trost, S. G. Physical activity levels among children attending family day care. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior,46(3), 197–202. • Tandon, P. S., Garrison, M. M., & Christakis, D. A. Physical activity and beverages in home- and center-based child care programs. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior,44(4), 355–359. Please see attached lecture about this module Please answer all the questions . thanks
Food and Play Policy Name Institution of Affiliation Date Introduction Proper nutrition promotes optimal health, growth and intellectual development of an individual. In children, healthy diet and active living prevents health complications, such as obesity, anemia, dental caries, eating disorders, and is also capable of averting long-term conditions, such as stroke, cancer, coronary heart disease and rickets. Implementing reliable health programs in elementary schools can help students attain full educational potential and vigor. Besides, giving them the social support, suitable environment and the skills necessary to develop healthy eating habits and active play choices boosts the nation`s healthy (Tandon, 2012). Henceforth, this study focuses on enhancing healthy eating and active play choices among elementary school children and suggests nutrition education commendations for an elementary school health program. The guidelines are based on a review of earlier researchers, theoretical models and current practices at these schools.
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