
Topic: Family Interview Paper: American Culture and my Culture

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Topic: Family Interview Paper: American Culture and my Culture


Interview a family member, and an individual from another culture with which you are unfamiliar. Some examples of an individual from another culture to consider for the assignment include a neighbor, coworker, patient, or friend. Please inform the individuals of the purpose of this assignment and make sure you receive their consent.
Review the "Family Interview" template prior to the interview. Additional space is designated on the template for you to create three additional questions to ask both interviewees (family member and person from another culture). Additional questions should be relevant to the readings or discussion and should provide value to the interview by helping to understand culture.
Some of the questions may include:
Family beliefs: Have they changed over generations?
Educational and occupational status in the culture and in the family
Communication methods: verbal and nonverbal
Current family goals/priorities
Family member roles and organizational systems
Spiritual beliefs: current practice and death and dying
Alternative lifestyles
Work attitudes and structure
Written Paper:
Using the "Family Interview" template, interview your designated family member and the person from another culture. Be sure to write your responses in a way that will assist you in writing your paper. After the interview is completed, write a paper of 750-1,000 words that includes the following:
An introductory paragraph with the reasons for selecting the interviewees.
A summary of the responses from the interview template gathered from the interviewees.
A comparison and contrast of your findings between the two interviewees.
A reflective concluding paragraph on how family roles affect the cultural domains and relationships for each individual.
General Requirements:
Submit both the completed "Family Interview" template and the written paper
It is important that people give you approval to use their personal stories prior to doing so. Please use this template and the following questions below when conducting your interviews. In addition to these questions, you are required to ask another three questions, which you are to include on this template. Please submit this template with your paper by the end of Module 2. 
1. What are your family roles/gender roles? How are they the same as or different from those traditionally practiced by your culture (who is the head of the household, who makes decisions, how are decisions made, etc.)?

2. What does your culture and family see as primary family goals (education, marriage, etc.)?

3. What is your culture’s view on alternative lifestyles (living together prior to marriage, domestic partnerships, single parenting, etc.)?

4. What are your family’s religious beliefs, and have they changed over generations?

5. What are your family’s spiritual beliefs around death and dying?

6. What are your culture’s education and occupational status within the family unit? 

7. What are your culture’s preferred communication methods (verbal and nonverbal)?

8. Additional question:

9. Additional question:

10. Additional question

Please follow this rubric 

Assignment clearly describes all the main concepts surrounding family cultures. A full summary of the interview is given, with a minimum of 10 questions. Assignment clearly describes the differences and similarities between the cultures, as well as the roles the cultures share. Strong evidence of critical thinking is demonstrated.

Thesis and/or main claim are comprehensive; contained within the thesis is the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

There is a sophisticated construction of paragraphs and transitions. Ideas progress and relate to each other. Paragraph and transition construction guide the reader. Paragraph structure is seamless.

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

All format elements are correct.

In-text citations and a reference page are complete and correct. The documentation of cited sources is free of error.


Family Interview Paper

Family Interview Paper
Our cultural background affects our perceptions of others, given the fact that the US is commonly referred to as a melting pot, it welcomes people from the different race who seek for a better way of life. Such diversity had made the US be one of the ideal countries to settle for many people at the same time created several challenges in understanding some of these cultural differences. During my recent interview with one of my co-workers from South America, I realized that their culture emphasizes on a collective approach compared to the American culture that promotes individualism (Nash, 2014). Below are details of the interview I conducted presenting some of the similarities and difference between the South American cultural practices and American culture. 
Summary of the Interview Responses
During the interview, I used ten questions to guide the process; Mark was the key person during the interview. My coworker grew up in America; he embraced the cultural val


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