
Topic: ENG106BA Research Assignment Paper About Advertisment

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Topic: ENG106BA Research Assignment Paper About Advertisment in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Topic: ENG106BA Research Assignment Paper About Advertisment


Choose one advertisement in a magazine, newspaper, or online. What argument can you make about the ad? Why do you think has the company created this particular ad to sell its products? Whatdoes the ad tell us about a larger social context that this ad works on? Analyse your ad in terms of its design(e.g.,look at its characters,colours, shapes,messages,target audience), and then build your argument fromthe insights that you have gained from the ad (the ad is your “research material” to work with so to speak).Important: The essay needs to refer to the design and make-up of the ad, and it needs to incorporate(some of) your analysed aspects as evidence for its argumentation. This means that the essay is not to takethe ad as an inspiration from which it branches off into a topic that is only somehow related to the ad.For example, if you write about an ad by McDonald’s, you are not expected to write about obesity in societyin general while ignoring the ad. This would not follow instructions and be off-topic, and this may lead to anautomatic zero (0) on the assignment. Instead, analyse the ad and think about its design and why the designteam at McDonald’s might have created this particular ad to sell its product. What is it about your particularad that makes for a particular argument about the ad within our society and culture at large?I will attach the ad that I chose. Please make sure that you will follow the instructions as noted above. For example in the case of my ad please analyse the ad terms of the color of the ad, why the picture doesnt have a head, why the person`s hand is in his pocket and etc...I will attach the full instructions as well.And please make sure that you will read it very carefully and pay attention to all the details.Thanks






Advertisement: Short essay

1.0 Introduction

Ads represent an essential part of a company. The ability of the firm to sell its products largely depends on the type of ad utilized to reach to its potential customers. Various ads differ based on the location and type of potential customers as well as their social status. The ad under review shows a brown man on a bracelet with one hand on the pocket shown as relaxed and composed.

1.1 Argument

The ad presents the necklaces of the company to the audience. The target audience of the ad are the men demonstrated by the individual in the ad. The product worn by the man in the ad communicates to the target audience since one can be able to buy it based on the


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