Topic: Cultural Assessment Assignment: Bend it like Beckham Movie
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Topic: Cultural Assessment Assignment: Bend it like Beckham Movie Instructions:
Cultural Assessment Expert 35 points max Acceptable At least 26 points Unacceptable Less than 26 points Introduction (6 points) Introduction is present and forecasts content of the paper. (5-6 points) Introduction is present and forecasts content of paper. (3-4 points) Sketchy introduction is present or introduction is missing (0-2 point) Description of Movie Family (9 points) Comprehensive description of family, including setting and context of story (8-9 points) General description of family, including setting and context of story (5-7 points) Incomplete description of family, setting, and/or context of story (0-4 point) Family Processes (25 points)
Cultural Assessment Assignment- View a Movie Name Institution Date Introduction The film Bend it like Beckham highlights the stereotypes of women and girls in the society, specifically Jesminder (Jess) an aspiring British Asian soccer (football) player. Jess has to respect her Indian heritage while playing soccer even as her close family members initially oppose this. The generation gap between Jess, her sister and the parents is one of the reasons why they set limits and are reluctant to support her sporting activities. The close knit Sikh family are closely involved in making decisions for Jess, who is at times forced to go against her parents` wishes the Indian culture influences health seeking behavior and attitudes, and should be considered in interventions. Description of Movie Family Jess forms a close bond with Jules a fellow soccer player who is White British. The clash of Indian cultu4res with Western culture highlights the differences between the two, but also attempts to bridge cultural gaps. Jess goes to soccer matches against her family`s wishes. However, as Jess gets more deeply involved
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