
Topic: Child of God or The Bluest Eye Creative Writing Assignemnt

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Topic: Child of God or The Bluest Eye Creative Writing Assignemnt in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Topic: Child of God or The Bluest Eye Creative Writing Assignemnt


This is for a creative writing class.

You can choose to either write a creative piece on...

1. Fixation on an object -- related to Child of God; Cormac McCarthy

2. Maternal love -- related to The Bluest Eye; Toni Morrison

3 full pages of creative writing. A story that contains a character who does "bad" things but is lovable anyway. The class is called loving the unlovable. Here is a copy/paste from the syllabus. 

"How do writers create heroes from villains and victims? How is it we keep reading, even caring about the non-heroic, often antiheroic character? And just what is a literary hero, anyway? We will examine elements of craft, such as style, voice, dialect and diction, character motivation, and the more elusive emotional context, to try and understand as both writers and readers how characters are realized and made complex, on the page."

After 3 pages of creative writing you need 1 page of critical commentary. Critical commentary means your insight into the readings, in particular how an author`s “unlikeable” characters are developed, made complex and “humanized,” along with how your creative piece addresses this. You should discuss these things in your critical commentary along with citing examples from our reading. Use at least one quote from the book of your choice. 

***Basically for the critical commentary she wants you to talk about the book and how you used the influence of it in your writing, and the authors writing techniques.


(Student`s name)

(Professor`s name)

Creative Writing

20 March 2017

Judgment Makes People Distant

In the small town of Scrilly, there was a girl named Fiera who lived with her Weimaraner named Greg. She was 26 years old and lost her parents when she was 24 in a car accident. When her uncle Charlie found out, he immediately gave her a piece of land where a house was already built and a farm where she can grow crops. Fiera is an only child and she gained wisdom of the world while she was still very young because she had no brothers or sisters to help her out. This is why shifting from the city life to country life did not make her feel scared and deprived. In fact, she was enjoying a different sense of freedom even if she did not plan to retire in Scrilly. She was aware that being indebted to her uncle will not be healthy for her in the long run. Fortunately, her parents raised her to be a smart and well-rounded girl.

No matter what time of the day it was, she will always make time to take Greg for a


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