Topic: Business Law Ethic: Approving Concepts Of Right And Wrong Human Conduct
This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Topic: Business Law Ethic: Approving Concepts Of Right And Wrong Human Conduct in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Topic: Business Law Ethic: Approving Concepts Of Right And Wrong Human Conduct Instructions:
Watch the 2015 film “Concussion,” directed by Peter Landesman, and starring Will Smith. Plan ahead to ensure you have time to view the film at least once before beginning your paper. Essay Prompt: Assume the NFL indeed had access to credible research that linked football-related concussions to permanent, hidden long-term brain injury to players. Utilizing the ethics material discussed in class and Chapter 2 of the textbook, analyze the ethics of failing to disclose that information to the players. Your analysis should: • Include two of the “Theories of Ethics” and two of the “Ethics Traps” presented in Chapter 2. • Define and explain the theories and traps you are utilizing. • Apply the theories and traps to analyze the ethics of the NFL`s actions as they relate to the above essay prompt. • Address how your analysis would change if the evidence was inconclusive as to whether concussions were causing hidden, permanent brain injury. • Use specific conversations and evidence from the movie to assist in your analysis. Your essay may not exceed 800 words and should be double-spaced, utilizing Times Roman 12 point font and 1-inch margins. Please indicate the exact word count at the top of the paper. You are to turn in a hard copy of your Analytical Paper, no later than the start of class on Thursday, March 9. Your Analytical Paper must also be submitted via the designated “Assignments” tab by the same date and time as the hard copy. Please note that the papers will be run through Safe Assignment, which will compare them against the entire Internet and our internal database to help detect plagiarism. There is no makeup for this Analytical Paper; it is not subject to the quiz make up policy articulated in the course syllabus.
Ethics Name Institution Ethics is a branch of philosophy that aims at arranging, vindicating, and approving concepts of right and wrong human conduct. Ethical theories provide a basis from which individuals obtain advice in a situation where ethics are involved in decision-making. Knowledge and decisions laws differ from one individual to another and from one location to another, which result in decisions being made differently in an ethical decision-making process. Ethical theories provide diverse opinions for a different approach to a process of reaching a decision like overseeing and being by one`s duties to ensure one achieve what they perceive to be an ethically right decision. In decision-making, indivi
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