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Sampling and Survey Design in Public Health
Study One
- Population in this study is total number of Australian adults
- Sample size in this study is 6,453 Adults
- Sampling fraction is 6453 adults over the total number of Australian adults
- The response rate is 73.95% given by {(4772 ÷ 6453) × 100%} (Chow, Shao, & Wang, 2013).
Study Two
- Population in this study is the total number of nurses working in all general practice
- Sample size in this study is Five hundred general practices in Victoria
- Sampling fraction is total number of nurses in 500 general practices total number of nurses in all the general practices
- The response rate is 81% given by {(405 ÷ 500) × 100%}
Study Three
- The population group in this study comprise of all residents of nursing homes in one region of Melbourne and it had 8767 people given by {(67 + (754*10) + (232 * 5)} (Hoyle, 2009).
- The sample size in this study is 1053 people
- Sampling fraction is 12.01% given by {(1053/8767) * 100%}
- The overall response rate is 35.28% given by{ [67 + 0.25*754 + 0.5 * 232] ÷ 1053} * 100%
- The response rate for each age group
Under 55-response rate was 100%
The age between 55 – 64 response rate was 50%
Over 65 years of age, response rate was 25%
Identifying the Contacts of This Two Groups
In identifying the group that uses the health care services of the community health service, I would visit the health service and obtain names and contacts of patients from the registry. After obtaining the list of the people, who have visited the health centre in the last five months, I would take a Systematic random sample from the total number of the people. For example, if the total number of people found to have visited the health centre within this time were 2000, I would select a starting number between 1 and 20 then select every fiftieth person from the chosen person progressively (Shao, Wang & Chow, 2008). The total number of the people that will be found to have sought the services of the community health centre will determine the frequency or the number of people chosen, as the sample. The high the numbers of the people, who will have visited the health care centre, the higher the number of the sample that will be chosen.
In getting the number of people who do not seek the health services of the community health centre, I would use the services of the White Pages phone book of this catchment area. I would eliminate all the names of the people who have visited the health centre from the list. I would take a systematic sampling of the remaining number of people. The variance between the randomly sample number will vary according to the total number of the population in the area less those that seek the health services. For example, if the population less those that seek medical services is 10000 people I would choose a random number between 1 and 100, then add 100 to the chosen number consecutively, as I take the contact of the chosen people that I would contact (Denscombe, 2007).
Questions Which Will Elicit the Demographic and Usage Information
- What is your gender?
- Male __________
- Female________
- Other__________
- In which age bracket do you belong?
Below 20 years ___
Between 20 and 40___
Between 41 and 65___
Above 65________
- The area community health care services offers quality, equitable, safe, and timely health care services (please indicate where appropriate in the scale bellow)
Strongly Disagree | disagree | Indifferent | Agree | Strongly agree |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
- In which category would you classify your annual household Income?
High income______
Medium income________
Low income_______
- What is your highest level of education?
- How far is the community health centre from your home?
- How often do you seek the services of a health centre or a hospital and which ailment usually disturbs you most?
- Which food do you like taking? And how would you describe your daily eating habit?
Has plenty of oil _________
Plenty of carbohydrates or/and protein______
Plenty of fruits ______
Other _________
- What is your Religious background and beliefs? Does your religion affect the frequency with which you seek the services of a health care institution? Please explain
- Do you involve yourself in any physical fitness activity or exercise? If yes how often do you involve yourself in a physical exercise?
- What is your main hobby?
Reading ______
Traveling __________
Playing ____
Watching movies and cinema ______
Other ______ please specify
- Which statement would describe you most?
I am very active during the day and involve in physically engaging activities
I am not very active, but my daily activities has a certain degree of physical activity
I am usually engaged in activity that is mainly mind engaging
I am less active for the better part of the day
Chow., Shao, J. & Wang, H. (2013). Sample size calculations in clinical research. New York: Marcel Dekker.
Denscombe, M. (2007). The good research guide for small-scale social research projects. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
Hoyle, R. (2009). Statistical strategies for small sample research. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.
Shao, J., Wang, H. & Chow. (2008). Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC.