
Examine the proposition that operations management is the key to solving the challenges posed by an increasingly competitive business environment

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Examine the proposition that operations management is the key to solving the challenges posed by an increasingly competitive business environment in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.



Instructions to candidates:


a) Time allowed: Three hours (plus an extra ten minutes’ reading time at the start – do not write anything during this time)

b) The examination paper consists of TWO parts

c) Marks for each question are shown in [ ]

d) Part A comprises TWO compulsory short answer questions and is worth 30% of the final mark. It is recommended that you spend approximately ONE hour on Part A, which includes planning and checking your answers

e) Part B comprises TWO compulsory questions and is related to the pre-issued case study that you will have analyzed before entering the examination room. This part is worth 55% of the final mark. It is recommended that you spend approximately TWO hours on Part B, which includes planning and checking your answers

f) You are allowed to bring into the examination up to two pages (four sides) of A4 notes. Your prepared notes will count for 15% of the overall marks for this unit. These notes should be handed in and securely attached to your answer script at the end of the examination period


PART A: Answer ALL questions in this section (total marks 30%)


1. Examine the proposition that operations management is the key to solving the challenges posed by an increasingly competitive business environment. [15]


2. Compare and contrast TWO different specific approaches to problem solving routinely employed by operations managers in attempting to turn around poor business performance. [15]


PART B: Answer ALL questions in this section (total marks 55%)

The following questions relate to the pre-issued case study, which is attached to this examination paper.


3. Analyze the key approaches implemented by operations management in the case study organisation when attempting to deliver improvement, and make recommendations as to how those approaches may be improved or revised. [28]


4. Explore and analyze the link between corporate aims and objectives and the role of operations managers. Refer to the case study in order to illustrate ways in which operations management helps to deliver key business objectives, including profitability but not restricted to it.

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