
Research and argue a position in regard to a contemporary issue in the accounting profession.

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Research and argue a position in regard to a contemporary issue in the accounting profession. in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Financial Accounting & Reporting 1

Financial Accounting & Reporting 1ACCM 4600 PART 1 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS
Please note that the word limit for Part-1 of your assignment is 1000 words
Note below the requirements for part-1 of the assignment:
1. Read the case study and answer the following questions:

a) What is the purpose of your report?
b) What is the audience for your report?
c) What are the (key) decisions to be made?
d) What information would help you to make these decisions?
e) Which information sources are most likely to hold this information?
f) When you search for relevant information (in a database for example) what keywords will / are you using?
2) Identify 10 sources relevant to the project (e.g. journal articles, textbooks, websites etc.)
3) Complete a source analysis on 3 of the 10 sources with full bibliographic references.
4) Provide a full plan of main and sub headings of the report (include appropriate numbering).
For requirement 3 you cannot use the IASB Exposure draft ED/2015/3 “Conceptual framework for financial reporting” (May 2015) and the associated basis for conclusions document. Rather you must search for sources yourself. These basic documents are now posted on the portal. You also must follow the format as provided in the source analysis template.
Please refer to the guidance given in the workshop 1 lecture and in the other documents regarding the report format (for example including a letter of transmittal

Please note that this assessment task has been designed to measure subject learning outcomes 1 and 4.

LO1: Research and argue a position in regard to a contemporary issue in the accounting profession.

LO4: Evaluate the different areas of accounting research, positive accounting theory, capital market research, behavioural research in accounting and emerging issues.


The assignment assesses the following outcomes:

  1. Your knowledge and your ability to research the issues outlined
  2. Your ability to selectively apply the information appropriately to the given scenario
  3. Your ability to use judgement correctly in selecting and designing an appropriate response with suitable references.
  4. Professional Competency Skills – Communication skills: report writing skills


Overall Marks – Assessment 1: Individual Research Assignment

Summary: Marks AwardedMarks Available
Part 1Evaluating information resources and research plan 10.00
Part 2Final Business Report: (separate rubrics)  
(A)Business report technical content 30.00
(B)Business report format, language and presentation 10.00

The assessment rubrics below set out the specific criteria that will be used to assess this task and descriptions of different levels of achievement for those criteria. The different levels of achievement for each criterion have a range of marks attached.

To improve your performance it is helpful to;

  • review the indicators in the rubrics and make sure you understand these in terms of marker expectations
  • review marker feedback on your assessments
  • review the relevant topics.

In reviewing the topics:

  • look in detail at relevant examples
  • review relevant learning activities
  • review required readings and further resources.

Name:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Student ID:

Part 1: Report Plan 10%

CRITERIAHigh Distinction
85 – 100%
75 – 84%
65 – 74%
50 – 64%
0 – 49%
Mark Awarded
Planning questions

2 marks


Comprehensive and insightful understanding of audience and appropriate contentThorough understanding of audience and appropriate content


Clear understanding of audience and appropriate contentSome understanding of audience and appropriate contentLittle understanding of audience and appropriate content 
Source selection and source analysis

6 marks



Sources chosen are highly relevant to the topic;

All sources are from credible, materials

Source analysis succinctly and comprehensively describe the source material; Annotations offer great insight into the source material

Evaluation clearly explains why the sources were chosen;

Each sources has a proper citation;

Virtually free from mechanical, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors; All of the assignment requirements were met

Most sources chosen are relevant to the topic;

Most sources are from credible, materials

Most source analyses are succinct; Most comprehensively describe the source material; Some offer insight into the source material

Most evaluations explain why the sources were chosen;

Most sources have proper citation;

Occasional minor errors do not distract the reader; the majority of assignment requirements were met

Some sources chosen are relevant to the topic

Some sources are from credible, materials

Some sources analyses may be too short or too long; Annotations adequately describe the source material, but lack insight

Evaluation sometimes explains why the sources were chosen

Some sources have proper citation; Some significant errors are present, but the overall meaning is clear; about half of the assignment requirements were met

Few sources chosen are relevant to the topic;

Few sources are from credible, materials

Few source analyses meet the length requirements, few annotations adequately describe the source material; annotations offer little insight

Evaluation mostly lacking in explaining why the sources were chosen

Few sources have a proper citation;

Errors are distracting, but the meaning is still clear; only some of the assignment requirements were met

Sources are not relevant to researcher’s topic

Sources lack credibility

Most source analyses are either too short or too long; Annotations do not describe the source material; annotations offer no insight

Evaluation does not explain why the sources were chosen

Very few sources have a proper citation; Errors distract the reader, to the extent the meaning is unclear; the assignment requirements were not met

Report plan headings

2 marks









Headings reflect all report sections

Headings show comprehensive coverage of all key aspects of topic and fully reflect audience informational needs

Headings are logically structured

Headings reflect scope of report

Headings reflect all report sections with minor exceptions

Headings show thorough coverage of topic and reflect audience informational needs

Headings are logically structured with minor exceptions

Headings reflect scope of report with minor exceptions

Headings reflect all report sections with some exceptions

Headings show good coverage of topic and reflect audience informational needs with minor exceptions

Headings are logically structured with some exceptions

Headings reflect scope of report with some exceptions

Headings reflect some report sections

Headings show coverage of some aspects of topic and reflect audience informational needs with significant exceptions

Heading structure  not logical

Headings reflect scope of report with significant exceptions

Headings do not reflect the sections of a business report

Headings omit coverage of key aspects of topic and are likely to result in a report that does not reflect audience informational needs

Heading structure  not logical

Headings are likely to result in a report that does not meet the scope of the project

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