Source selection and source analysis 6 marks | Sources chosen are highly relevant to the topic; All sources are from credible, materials Source analysis succinctly and comprehensively describe the source material; Annotations offer great insight into the source material Evaluation clearly explains why the sources were chosen; Each sources has a proper citation; Virtually free from mechanical, grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors; All of the assignment requirements were met | Most sources chosen are relevant to the topic; Most sources are from credible, materials Most source analyses are succinct; Most comprehensively describe the source material; Some offer insight into the source material Most evaluations explain why the sources were chosen; Most sources have proper citation; Occasional minor errors do not distract the reader; the majority of assignment requirements were met | Some sources chosen are relevant to the topic Some sources are from credible, materials Some sources analyses may be too short or too long; Annotations adequately describe the source material, but lack insight Evaluation sometimes explains why the sources were chosen Some sources have proper citation; Some significant errors are present, but the overall meaning is clear; about half of the assignment requirements were met | Few sources chosen are relevant to the topic; Few sources are from credible, materials Few source analyses meet the length requirements, few annotations adequately describe the source material; annotations offer little insight Evaluation mostly lacking in explaining why the sources were chosen Few sources have a proper citation; Errors are distracting, but the meaning is still clear; only some of the assignment requirements were met | Sources are not relevant to researcher’s topic Sources lack credibility Most source analyses are either too short or too long; Annotations do not describe the source material; annotations offer no insight Evaluation does not explain why the sources were chosen Very few sources have a proper citation; Errors distract the reader, to the extent the meaning is unclear; the assignment requirements were not met | |
Report plan headings 2 marks | Headings reflect all report sections Headings show comprehensive coverage of all key aspects of topic and fully reflect audience informational needs Headings are logically structured Headings reflect scope of report | Headings reflect all report sections with minor exceptions Headings show thorough coverage of topic and reflect audience informational needs Headings are logically structured with minor exceptions Headings reflect scope of report with minor exceptions | Headings reflect all report sections with some exceptions Headings show good coverage of topic and reflect audience informational needs with minor exceptions Headings are logically structured with some exceptions Headings reflect scope of report with some exceptions | Headings reflect some report sections Headings show coverage of some aspects of topic and reflect audience informational needs with significant exceptions Heading structure not logical Headings reflect scope of report with significant exceptions | Headings do not reflect the sections of a business report Headings omit coverage of key aspects of topic and are likely to result in a report that does not reflect audience informational needs Heading structure not logical Headings are likely to result in a report that does not meet the scope of the project |