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IPad Usage in Mathematics Abstract
As the world becomes engrossed in technology, it appears unavoidable that the mathematics classroom will, as well. Using technology in enhancing student learning is not a new approach. Students have gained from the benefits of software use, for instance, Tinker plots and Geometer‘s Sketchpad, for many years. Content management systems such as Blackboard and Desire2Learn (D2L) help students access and hand in videos and assignments, as well as other learning materials electronically. Interactive whiteboards such as SMART Boards enable instructors to save classroom notes as well as manipulate and display websites and software for the class (Henderson, 2012). Student polling sites and response systems, which make it possible for students to text feedback with their mobile phones, can provide information from the students for immediate response on what they know and are able to do, are also another important component of technological devices. Computer algebra and graphing system calculators are changing how students obtain solutions to problems with functions.
Statement of the Problem
Without a doubt, technology is changing the way mathematics is taught and the way students’ access pieces of information. While these tools enhance learning and benefit students, they come with various challenges. Activities which use Geometer‘s Sketchpad are only beneficial in schools that have acquired this software and can access computers during lessons. Furthermore, students who miss class because of illness or school activities are not able to make up this type of learning if they cannot access the software at home. If the students provide their own calculators, they may purchase those that the teachers cannot use, thus making these tools much less beneficial. The SMART Board is very useful if students are able to interact with them, but again, it is only beneficial if the students can access the Internet at home. With such differences in the ease of access of technical resources, it can be hard to find a way to integrate these materials into the classroom frequently. While the benefits of technological resources probably overshadow the challenges, integrating these tools in the classroom requires the teacher to learn how to use them efficiently, teach the students how to use them, address access issues, and find funds to buy and maintain the software or equipment. While students carry cell phones and portable gaming systems everywhere they go, they seldom have a laptop or a graphing calculator that has dynamic geometry software (Kaleta & Joosten, 2012)…