Jul 24, 2017

How Philosophers Define Life

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of How Philosophers Define Life in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

How Philosophers Define Life


Find articles related to your topic. You can use any of the class readings or others from the library. You must, however, use at least 5 primary sources written by the philosophers we`ve studied in this class in your final article. A good paper will also include at least 5 secondary sources of a scholarly nature too. Newspaper articles are not generally considered `scholarly` sources. Please use books and/or journal articles instead.


This is the list of the philosophers that have been studied and have to be at least five of the sources used in the paper.









Once you`ve completed your research, begin your essay by crafting your introduction:

  • · Clearly explain and elucidate the sense and meaning of your essay topic in your

own words. Be sure to use some of your research to help in this process.

  • · Identify and define the key terms and expressions of your topic. Your definitions

should be philosophic in nature, and they should cut to the essence of each term.

  • · Although you know the conclusion(s) you will be arguing, it`s important to not state it

too early in your paper as you must argue for it first! This is not an English essay. In

Philosophy you must always offer logical proof before giving conclusions. Thus, in

the introduction it`s best to just focus on defining key terms and clarifying the

parameters of the question at hand. Your conclusion(s) can wait until the end.


a. The body of your paper should contain your very best argument(s) for your

conclusion(s). Each argument should contain true premises that are stated in clear

terms. Remember to be as logical as possible as you make your points.

b. Remember to make reference to at least 5 primary sources as you go . As you

do so, be sure to explain all quotes in your own words. Never cite a quote

without fully explaining the sense in which you are interpreting it and how it relates

to your central argument(s).

c. Lastly, you should give convincing, concrete evidence that exemplifies your

argument(s) and supports your position(s). Give examples from real-life situations

that prove and illustrate the argument(s) you are trying to make.


As one closes the research paper, it is most important to summarize your position and

restate the most compelling evidence cited for it. Remember, this is the last chance to

remind the reader and convince her/him to accept your position. Do not introduce new

material into the final summary. Your summary should be about a page to half a page

long (no more!)


  • · Use Arial 12-pt font and 1" margins all around.
  • · The personal pronoun `I` is not appropriate for either your essentialist definitions or

your abstract argument. It is, however, okay to use when you exemplify your







Please see attached document for all the information required for the paper. Please pay very close attention to the requirements for the sources and the list of the philosophers that have to be used as at least 5 of the sources.

Student Name:Tutor:Topic: Creative WritingDate:Charles Bronson provides a unique case for philosophical interpretation. Bronson in his free days had the ability to pursue different causes of life (life projects) and was endowed with several options and dispositions. However, Bronson seems to choose a particular cause of life that Gasset refers to as “life projects” and he is locked up and deprived off his freedom. Even when he is given his freedom back, but he still ends up choosing the life of crime and ends back in jail. Interestingly, even when he is locked up and under duress he still chooses to pursue his criminal option of behavior and harasses fellow in-mates and guards. In addition, even when he is locked up and in isolation Bronson chooses engage himself in productive activities, for example, authorship. Therefore, we have been endowed with different “life projects” and we being “spirits,” have “freedom” to choose from multiple projects (multiple freedoms). The project we select should not interfere with the freedom of others since man is in “existents” with other human beings.However, God is the “Greater Spirit” and, therefore, the source of man`s “spirit” (man`s freedom) and has endowed man with his or her spirit (freedom to choose), therefore, has freedom to make certain choice. This freedom is exercised by man while achieving his or her purpose and heading towards a predetermined fate (end).Existentialism in life has been accused of promoting quietism and despair. Communists argue that if all approaches to a solution are hindered, any individual would regard all actions in the world as ineffective and finally turn to the contemplative philosophy for ignoring the brighter side of human life. It is argued that it focuses on what is mean, sordid, or base with the catholic critique Mercier lamenting that the existentialist have forgotten even the smile of a child CITATION Sar77 p 17 l 1033 (Sartre 17). Groups have censured existentialist for ignoring the solidarity among human beings and that they consider human beings as separate and isolated from each other a reason communists attribute to the subjective Cartesian approach “I think.” At this point, man attains a position by which he attends to himself and it is impossible to re-establish solidarity. The ego here cannot reach out to them via the Cogito CITATION Sar77 p 18 l 1033 (Sartre 18). Furthermore, Christians reproach existentialists as denying the reality and seriousness. Our ignorance of the commandments of God and the eternal values prescribed in Christianity has left us with only the thing that are voluntary and anyone can perform their own wishes and pursue their own wills CITATION Sar77 p 18 l 1033 (Sart...

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