
Health IT Hot Topic of Week Assignment : Analyze ethical and legal concerns related to nursing informatics while using, designing, managing, and upgrading information systems

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Health IT Hot Topic of Week Assignment : Analyze ethical and legal concerns related to nursing informatics while using, designing, managing, and upgrading information systems in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Health IT Hot Topic of Week Assignment

Health IT Hot Topic of Week Assignment

Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric


This assignment is designed to help students

  • Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings.Students will select a “hot” topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following ability.

(CO3)  Analyze ethical and legal concerns related to nursing informatics while using, designing, managing, and upgrading information systems.  (POs 4, 6)

(CO 6) Describe health information systems within healthcare setting and the profession of nursing in all practice domains and settings including electronic health records (EHR), their management and patient-care information technology (IT). (PO 4)

(CO 7) ExploretrendsandissuesinNIandtheirimpactonnursingpracticeinall domains.(POs9,11)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.

Total Points Possible:  200


Visit the Fierce EMR or Fierce Health IT websites and select 1 of 5 “hot” topics of the week that may impact your practice (Hospice).In a professionally developed paper, discuss the rationale for choosing the topic, how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner, citing pros and cons. Include a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment. In the conclusion, provide recommendations for the future.

Preparing the paper

  1. The Health IT Hot Topic of the Week must be a professional, scholarly prepared paper. See the guidelines for writing a professional, scholarly paper in the Course Resources. The professional paper will have an introduction, the body of paper to explain what you are doing, a summary/conclusion, and at least three scholarly references.

2 Required texts may be used as references, but a minimum of three sources must be from outside of course readings.

  1. All aspects of the paper must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.
  2. The paper (excluding the title page, introduction and reference page) is 4-6 pages in length.
  3. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.
  4. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.


Introduction105Introduction presents a brief overview of the parts of the paper.
Selects relevant Health IT hot topic to discuss; provides rationale for selecting topic7035Provides convincing rationale for topic selection
Convincing arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner citing pros and cons. Include discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment9045Convincing arguments of how topic impacts practice in a positive or negative manner; pros and cons are presented; discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process to develop the assignment
Conclusion105Concluding statements summarize insights about the key elements of the paper gained during the assignment. Recommendations for the future are provided
APA Style63Text, title page, body of paper, summary and reference page(s) are completely consistent with APA format.
Citations73.5Ideas and information from sources are cited correctly. There are a minimum of three scholarly, current (5 years or less) references.
Writing Mechanics73.5Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are consistent with formal written work,.
Total 200100%A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric

Assignment CriteriaExceptional


Outstanding or highest level of performance



Very good or high level of performance



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement


Poor or failing level of performance



Unsatisfactory level of performance

ContentPossible Points= 200 Points
Introduction10 Points9 Points8 Points7 Points0 Points
Introduction presents a brief overview all parts of the paper.Introduction presents one of the two required elements.Introduction does not include either of the two required elements.Minimal attempt at introduction.No introduction is present.


Selects relevant Health IT Topic to discuss; provides rationale for selecting topic70 Points64 Points60 Points55 Points0 Points
Successfully selects relevant Health IT Topic to discuss; provides rationale for selecting topicSelects relevant Health IT Topic to discuss; provides minimal rationale for selecting topic.Selects  Health IT Topic to discuss; not related to practice; provides minimal rationale for selecting topic.Selects  Health IT Topic to discuss; not related to practice; provides no rationale for selecting topic.Does not complete assignment.
Convincing arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner citing pros and cons. Discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment90 Points85 Points78 Points70 Points0 Points
Convincing arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner -pros and cons not presented. Discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment.Arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner -pros and cons not presented. Some discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment.Minimal arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner -pros and cons not presented. Some discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used.Minimal arguments of how topic will impact practice in a positive or negative manner -pros and cons not presented. No discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used.Minimal discussion of topic, impact – no discussion of relevance to informatics skills or knowledge.


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