
Examine the environments that utilize emerging technologies by identifying the emerging technologies and current developments in the field

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Information Technology; Examine the environments that utilize emerging technologies by identifying the emerging technologies and current developments in the field

Information Technology: Examine the environments that utilize emerging technologies by identifying the emerging technologies and current developments in the field

You are a learner in the domain of IT (Information Technology). During the first year summer break you have been assigned a task to explore and present a report on the Emerging Technologies by applying an effective approach to the research.
Your report should include various main and sub-topics that fall under the topic Emerging technologies such as:
Task 1.1 Examine the environments that utilize emerging technologies by identifying the emerging technologies and current developments in the field
Give a detailed definition on cutting edge developments that are going on currently, procedures to gain and adhere to these competitive advantages and discuss other disciplines and domains that are covered under emerging technologies.
P1.1, M1.3
Select one example of cutting edge developments given by you and discuss relevant theories for the following:
a) Development Stages
b) Future Plans
c) Costs
d) Outcome results
e) Impact on society (effects, benefits & drawback)
f) Initiatives by Government
P2.1, M2.1
Task 1.2 Examine the environments that utilize emerging technologies by assessing the dependency of these environments on future enhancements
Investigate and research on case studies for initial emerging technologies, and provide in-depth detail of environments which are adopting and are benefitted by emerging technologies, example environment such as nanotechnologies, information technology, robotics, transportation, petroleum industry.
P1.2, P3.1
a) Mention the sources of information used such as primary / secondary in order to approach the research.
b) Reflect qualitative and quantitative data sources
c) Include paper-based and electric information sources
Task 2.1 Analyse Emerging technologies and their impact

Task 3.1 Undertake research on an emerging technology

Task 3.2 Present findings from the research
Demonstrate the usage of application software and professional packages to present an appropriate structure of the research outcomes in the format of a research paper or a formal report including the details of targeted audience and their feedback.
P3.3, M3.1
Task 3.3 Evaluate the research process
Critically reflect the conclusions of ethical implications and considerations of emerging technologies and explore their association while testing the environments of emerging technologies (example- laboratories)

Task 4.1 Evaluate the ethical implications of emerging technologies discussing the role of ethical committees
3.2 Demonstrate your understanding on Ethical implications of emerging technologies by giving details on one of the following committees:
a) 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technologies
b) UNESCO Ethics of Science and Technology Programme

4.1, D1.1

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