This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Evaluating the Impacts of Knowledge Management on Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Innovation in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Assessing Impacts of Knowledge Management on Employees
According to Fernandez & Sabherwal (2015), assessing the impact of knowledge management on employees focuses mostly on understanding the behavior they depict whenever they are undertaking their roles in a company. It also partly focuses on their opinion on how an organization adopts new practices in its systems. The first major aspect that would guide one in a bid to understand impact of knowledge management in organization would be to conduct a survey allowing them to offer their opinion in line with the specific aspects that one is evaluating. For example, one can conduct a survey to investigate how they believe the organizations responds or how it conducts its knowledge management processes.
Evaluating the Impacts of Knowledge Management on Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Innovation
According to Fernandez & Sabherwal (2015), efficiency, effectiveness, and innovation are parameters that dictate the strides that an organization makes using the knowledge they obtain from the various processes they apply in their systems. Effectiveness and efficiency can be evaluated by analyzing the applicability of the knowledge that has been obtained in the
Differentiating Measures of Direct Impacts and Measures of Indirect Impacts of Knowledge Management
As Dalkir (2005) notes, direct impact of knowledge differs from indirect impact in that while direct is attributable to specific strategies, goals, visions and missions, indirect, tends to result from the actions that were based on the direct impacts. In effect, direct appear as the guiding factor towards the directions that will be taken by the organization while indirect only arise as the aftermath of these prior decisions. Another differentiating aspect would be visible whenever an individual seeks to assess or evaluate these two forms of impacts. Direct impacts are straight forward as they can be evaluated using factors such as Return on investment, which