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Distributed computing approach to optimize road traffic simulation
It must contain these following points:
1. Abstract.
2. Introduction.
3. Motivations and description of the problem.
4. Model and assumptions.
5. Brief description of the results, techniques, diculties, etc.
6. Conclusion and/or future work.
Sample Paper
Distributed Computing Approach to Optimize Road Traffic Simulation
Distributed computing refers to the approach of running CPU demanding computations on several computer workstations collectively with the aim of attaining a common objective. This approach can solve common problems such as earthquake simulation, weather/climate modeling, and evolutionary computing problems, among others. These kinds of problems can involve trillions of computations. One computer has no capability to execute these computations within a short period of time. Thus, distributed computations help to resolve these sorts of troubles within hours while using an organization’s existing resources.
Transportation systems simulation otherwise known as road traffic simulation is the arithmetical modeling of transportation systems such as downtown grid systems, freeway junctions, roundabouts, and arterial routes, through the use of computer software for better planning, design and running of transportation systems (Sinha, Sain and Srikanth). This helps in analyzing traffic in the city during different time intervals per day. In this literature review we discuss a methodology that utilizes distributed computing models for optimizing traffic simulation. It involves running numerous simultaneous traffic simulations prior to estimating how close that simulation is to real obtainable traffic data. This data is obtainable from CCTV cameras or physical counting at traffic intersections. This computer-based distributed approach works to locate the most excellent traffic simulation related to the actual data at hand through contemporary computing technique.
In modern day, computers play a key role in human lives and are vastly applied in nearly all engineering fields such as civil, mechanical and chemical engineering among others. Not only have they become a basic need in engineering environments, computers play a vital role in medical science. Speedy computer technology advancements have paved way for new problem solving possibilities, thus advancing complex problem solving in professional fields. Progressive processor speeds coupled with diverse memory expansions, for instance, have allowed tackling of huge computational problems within a relatively shorter time span.
In this literature review we discuss a methodology that utilizes distributed computing models for optimizing traffic simulation (Sinha, Sain and Srikanth). This involves running numerous simultaneous traffic simulations then estimating how close those