This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Digital Media Principles in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
Topic: Digital Media Principles
Students will undertake a creative research project relating academic research and critical analysis to a digital media technology OR area of interest case study of their choice. Appropriate theories to be discussed with your lecturer in tutorials.
Digital media technology: Students should pick a specific digital media technology not a broad technological category or format (e.g. Do not analyse the printing press: look at Gutenberg�s movable type printing press. Do not choose the Internet; pick a specific Internet technology such as the BitTorrent protocol or streaming video).
Area of interest case study: Case studies can range from researching and interviewing a prominent digital media producer, or examining the impact of social media on a younger sibling and their friends, to researching the uptake of a cutting edge digital technology.
All projects must demonstrate an application of effective research and an ability to undertake critical analysis. They must show an understanding of key concepts of digital media production and reception, build upon ideas from class discussions, readings, audio visual texts, as well as show explicit evidence of self-directed academic research via in-text referencing and a correctly formatted reference list.
Students are to choose one of the following formats in which to submit their creative research project, and adhere to these length requirements as a guide, +/- 20%:
1 Video (uploaded to YouTube): 3 minutes
� Photo essay (portfolio, photo album)
� Mini documentary (Any form � ethnographic, poetic, essay)
� Animation
� Interview
2 Image/text: 1000 words + images (e.g. webcomic, mini Zine, illustrated blogpost, ebook)
3 Website: 1000 words, images + plus functionality
4 Social Media Platform (multi-platform approach)
5 Digital radio program/ Podcast: incorporating spoken text, music, soundscape (uploaded to SoundCloud/ YouTube): 3 minutes
6 Other platforms: seek permission from lecturer and negotiate an appropriate length.
NB: All word counts are +/- 10%
NB. Student may not use any audiovisual materials in your creative project to which you do not have the appropriate rights (e.g. embedding someone else’s YouTube video in your YouTube video), as this breaches the policies of media services including YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud. You should use self-created material, or (appropriately cited and licensed) Creative Commons material. If the service detects that you are using copyrighted material in your creative work, it may remove your work, thus preventing your tutor from marking it. Ensuring that your work does not breach copyright and these websites’ terms and conditions is your own responsibility.
The creative work will be accompanied by a 500-word written rationale, detailing the process of making the creative work. This rationale should include:
1 A brief academic justification of the chosen technology/case study topic;
2 An account of the (academic) research used;
3 A reflection of the creative process and use of technologies, including an objective critique of the chosen presentation format/technology, any challenges faced / problems solved (if applicable);
4 In-text and end-of-text references;
5 A hyperlink (URL) to the creative work. The creative work must be accessible, or a penalty will be incurred, potentially resulting in a mark of zero.
The rationale is to be uploaded to Turnitin before class in week 13.
A transcript (word .docx) of all written components of the creative project is to be uploaded to Turnitin before class in week 13
This major assignment should demonstrate sustained effort. All technical (i.e. all non-SIBT Learning Site) aspects of the creative project are students� own responsibility, and you should be confident that you are competent enough to submit.
Individual Work: All creative, technical and written components of this assignment must be the sole effort of the student. Some assistance/labour may be required in the production of some formats. All assistance must be discussed with your teacher and itemised in the proposal timeline.
This assignment is due in Week 13. Late assignments, unless accompanied by medical certification or an application for special consideration, will be penalised at a rate of 10% per day.
Assessment Criteria
1. Appropriateness of chosen research project topic and format
2. Originality, flair and creativity in executing the chosen format
3. Effectiveness of project in communicating key concepts and research to the audience
4. Relevance and depth of research, including ability to locate, critically analyse and evaluate information in the accompanying exegesis
5. Demonstrated ability to write in coherent and grammatically correct Academic English, including the use of correct in-text and end of text referencing.
6. Clarity of oral presentation of summary of research project