
describes the purpose of this document, as well as a list of definitions and abbreviations within the document.

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Quality Requirements Document

Sample paper  Quality Requirements Document

1.0 Introduction

This segment outlines the scope and system requirements overview description. Additionally, this segment further describes the purpose of this document, as well as a list of definitions and abbreviations within the document.

1.1       Background

To businesses, cloud computing has come to be seen as a revolution. This is especially so because, besides data processing and the infrastructures of IT, cloud computing affects other key areas such as business processes, business models, and business strategies. This realization has prompted the understanding of cloud computing technology as the spine of the internet in the future (Glott, 2010).

In the last four years, the cloud computing market exhibited increased dynamics levels with more companies following the lead of companies like Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon Web Services. More companies are using or offering cloud applications, cloud infrastructures, and cloud platforms than ever before. Improved scalability, the reduction of space needed for IT infrastructure, and the reduction of associated costs are some of the key drivers of the cloud-computing trend. Other features such as grid computing and virtualization which had been introduced and used by businesses in the pastare also contributing significantly to the popularization of cloud computing.

1.2       Purpose

The purpose of this Software Requirements Document is to offer a comprehensive description and stipulate the software requirements along with CLOUDSPIN system logical model in a clear and consistent approach. Following the expansion of CloudSpin Limited, this new system will offer its clients a modern and comprehensive cloud solution.

1.3       Scope

The software’s key function will be in the implementation of a computational grid. According to its design, whenever the computational grid receives a set of data files and an executable it will be able to performspecific jobs. In keeping with the current market trends, CloudSpin system prioritizes and adds to usability by ensuring that access to the system is as easy and interactive as possible. This will be achieved by offering the users of the system a front-end that is web-based (Firesmith, 2005). CloudSpin System will be particularly easy to use because at its core, the system is designed to conceal the complications associated with grid technology.

1.4       List of abbreviations and definitions

This segment consists of the definition of terms, abbreviations and acronyms used within this requirements document.

1.4.1    Definitions

AgentSoftware used by a resource provider in retrieving and executing tasks.
ApplicationA set of shell scripts combination along with a set of URLs to specific platform dependent data.
Application ProviderProvides a set of applications to the CLOUDSPIN system as well as restricting access by projects and resource provider to applications.
ClientProgram used by users apart from resource providers. Resource providers use the agent.
CLOUDSPINA computational grid leveraging CLOUDSPIN software.
CLOUDSPIN SoftwareSoftware buit by CloudSpin Limited to develop computational grids intended for distributed data processing
CLOUDSPIN SystemRefers to the entire infrastructure using CLOUDSPIN software.
Computational GridThis is a software and hardware infrastructure that allows coordinated resource sharing within active organizations made up of institutions, individuals and resources.
CustomerCloudSpin Limited’s cloud computing clientele.
DataRefers to both platform-dependent as well as platform independent data.
Data ProviderCan provide CLOUDSPIN system with a set of platform independent data, as well as restrict access for resource providers and projects to their data.
DispatcherServes as a server while managing tasks distribution across the computational grid.
Job / Task Application specification, platform independent data as well as auxiliary information to compute and complete the job.
Job ProviderUsers assigning jobs to projects. These users must be members to those specific projects.
Platform Independent DataRefers to a set of platform independent files used to complete a job. For instance, input, uncompiled executable, e.t.c
Platform Dependent DataRefers to a set of platform dependent files required to initialize a task / job
ProjectRefers to a group of jobs / tasks with specified access rights that can be assigned to user who are members to that project.

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