This paper concentrates on the primary theme of CSCI203 Data Structures and Algorithms in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.
SCSSE, University of Wollongong; CSCI203 Data Structures and Algorithms
CSCI203 Data Structures and Algorithms
Spring 2016
Assignment 2
(Due 11:59 PM Fri 9th September)
Design and implement a discrete event simulation
Choose and implement appropriate data structures
Adapt standard algorithms to a speci c problem
You should write a single program which simulates the queuing and service of customers under two di erent
queuing strategies and compare the results.
Your program should run two
discrete event
simulations, one for each strategy. Each simulation should
start at time 0 and run until all customers have been served.
The two queueing strategies are as follows:
1. Use a single queue from which each server will take the next customer as soon as the server becomes
2. Use a queue for each server. Customers will choose the server with the shortest queue on arrival and
will not move from queue to queue.
Your program should be readable and well commented.
Data Structures and Algorithms
Part of the purpose of this subject is to gain an in-depth understanding of data structures and algorithms.
As such, all programming tasks in this subject require you to
choose appropriate data structures and
, and to
implement them yourself
. You may not take advantage of any built in data structures
more complex than an array, but instead should provide your own implementation. The use of STL, Java
Collection, or any collection framework in your language of choice, is disallowed. If you use any references
other than the lecture notes, ensure you cite them or you may receive 0 for plagiarism. A clear comment
in your code is sucient.
Write a text le named readme. Include clear instructions on how to compile and run your algorithm.
Ensure that your program compiles and runs correctly on ubuntu, in the lab. If your program does not
compile, it will receive 0 marks. If it doesn’t run according to the speci cation, you will receive very few
marks. You may also include a make le if you wish.
Once your program is complete, you should run it for some sample scanarios and examine the results.
Write a le named analysis.pdf containing a discussion the di erences you observe in statistics between
the two queueing strategies. Which strategy is most ecient?
Both simulations will use identical inputs. Your program should read a
le name
standard input
and run each simulation using the named le as the input le.
The input le has the following format:
The number of servers.
A set of lines each consisting of a customer arrival time followed by the corresponding service time.
Times are in seconds, from the start of the simulation. Although a sample input le has been provided,
your program should still run sucessfully substantially larger inputs.
Output should be to standard output.
For each of the two simulations the output should consist of the following data, clearly labelled:
Number of people served.
Time that the last customer nished being served (total simulation time).
Average service time (note this should depend only on the input le).
Average time a customer spends in queue.
Maximum time a customer spends in queue.
Average length of queue in any given second. For each queue and in total for the multi-queue version
of the simulation.
Maximum Length of queue. For each queue and in total for the multi-queue version of the simulation.
Total idle time for each server.