Jul 26, 2017

Can dyeing become a sustainable practice within the textiles industry?

This paper concentrates on the primary theme of Can dyeing become a sustainable practice within the textiles industry? in which you have to explain and evaluate its intricate aspects in detail. In addition to this, this paper has been reviewed and purchased by most of the students hence; it has been rated 4.8 points on the scale of 5 points. Besides, the price of this paper starts from £ 40. For more details and full access to the paper, please refer to the site.

Can dyeing become a sustainable practice within the textiles industry?


Please refer to the parts of my course brief below for instructions, and the essay will need to be written in my own writing style so that it looks as though i have written it personally, i have enclosed a previous sample essay which i have written for the writer to look at, so that they can see my writing style. The final year of the BA (Hons) Textiles Design programme is focused on the development of your self-directed interests in relation to your Textile Design degree. For this module you will need to identify, develop and research a concept within the field of art, design and material culture systematically and in depth resulting in an illustrated essay (dissertation) of between 5,500 and 6,000 words. engage in a critical debate with primary and secondary sources. Ensure academic conventions are observed. All references (including visuals) must be acknowledged and accurately cited. Use the Harvard Referencing System. the External Examiners have drawn attention to the need for academic rigour when referencing – Harvard referencing must be used to acknowledge sources of information, not just direct quotes, and all images need to be captioned. Main Learning Outcomes of Essay: On the successful completion of the module you will be able to: 1. Research a topic within the field of art, design and material culture systematically and in depth 2. Engage in a critical debate with primary and secondary sources and develop coherent arguments based on knowledge gained and independent thought 3. Communicate in written form clearly and accurately referring to supporting visual references – use the Harvard Reference System. Please provide me primary research within 2-3 appendix pages, and provide annotated bibliography and reference pages in Harvard referencing format. Please include 35 references in the bibliography, and include anything which has been referenced within the main essay in the references list. Below i have included the assessment criteria: Assessment criteria – equally weighted 1. Research a topic within the field of art, design and material culture systematically and in depth 2. Engage in a critical debate with primary and secondary sources and develop coherent arguments based on knowledge gained and independent thought 3. Communicate in written form clearly and accurately referring to supporting visual references – use the Harvard Reference System


My chosen theme is Environmentalism and Sustainability, and I have chosen to research into the following question: Is water consumption necessary for the textile finishing processes? My focus is whether this usage of resource may work as a permanent solution both ecologically and biologically, or will it be necessary to Work out a more ecological future solution?


In the textile industry, a highly significant quantity of water is used for finishing processes. The cycle of textile finishing includes both mechanical and chemical processes. Mechanically, fabrics are dried, calendared, schreinered, embossed, and sueded, fabrics also undergo chemical applications, such as size impregnation, polymeric substances, dyeing and bleaching, all with the essential aid of water. This whole process cycle uses approximately 80-100m3/ton per completed fabric piece, including a discharge amount of 115-175 kg of COD/ton of completed fabric. (Refer to appendix A and B for additional tables)



An eco-friendly resource known as Air Dye technology, (Air Dye technology Website, n.d) uses pure air and heat to aid in penetration of dyes into fabrics, as an alternative to water usage. Although Water is classed as a renewable resource, it is not that abundant. There could be consideration of a lot more eco-friendly resources in order to conserve a scarce source efficiently. (Air Dye technology website, n.d), states that “ The 4,000-year-old tradition of dyeing textiles has always involved the use of water to carry the dye or color to fabric...”But are there undiscovered resources capable of becoming a new alternative? Has the textile industry become too dependent on this source? (Lenntech Water Treatment Solutions Website, n.d) states, “The textile industry is very water intensive.” It would be ideal to discover a balance between various sources including water or to find a complete alternative to improve our quality of lives, including those of third world countries and the economy.     


Another possible solution could be recycling water in the finishing process. (Trevi Environment and consultancy website, 1999) indicates, “ Due to environmental problems, recuperation of waste water has become more and more important…” and also “ water reuse in the textile industry.” “It is showed that both investments are economically beneficial.”

To client: In this  research, the  writer  assumed to have obtained primary data from the following  listed  companiesAppendix 2: Companies  that participated in  this  study  Company 1.HYPERLINK "http://www.manta.com/ic/mvmcxzd/gb/baxter-fawcett" "_blank"Baxter Fawcett  2.HYPERLINK "http://www.manta.com/ic/mtz9058/gb/i-got-felt" "_blank"I Got Felt  3HYPERLINK "http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=L&ai=CJ5H-oJPkUqXXM8GM8wP03ICwDsTZvMEF3IKx9ocBwI23ARABIK34lBsoAlCg9PWdA2CVA8gBAakC_ACP5EWxuz6oAwGqBJIBT9BrNEXyglzb2b-P7S4ADI4ZRn8bnIu-E4xhLQz6MjcAFwfIBw0BKab86mCPv4fwMSusEcB8I0fmeQag_CKW9prgRWCF1sLheCLp7CHrV4BcpjfL9Z0dXCLm3FAOXy5hHuGCn3MEy60IPBChFhcjQX0Q4ZrtKc6CSQWKW-wErQDdfh55NtaDbxXP0tJivsXVmdqAB_zdoCo&num=1&sig=AOD64_1-W67D0AgwhQrkeiirM-4eC9Ir8g&client=ca-manta-test1_js&adurl=http://toghal.com" "_blank"African Inspired Design  4.HYPERLINK "http://www.manta.com/ic/mtz93fp/gb/w-h-wagland-textiles-ltd" "_blank"W H Wagland (Textiles) Ltd&n...

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