TOPIC: African American History
I. Introduction: Since the period of slavery, African Americans have gone through a hard period to get to their current state, African American history plays an important role in American history not only because the Civil Rights Movement, but because of the strength and courage of Afro-Americans struggling to live a good life in America.
A. Thesis Statement. : Ever since slavery years, African Americans have been determined
to end segregation, fight for civil rights, and worked to attain voting rights.
II. How African-Americans worked to end Segregation
- Riots
- Boycotts
1. Montgomery bus boycott
C. Civil Rights movement
1. Developed an aggressive way of fighting racial Segregation
2. broke the pattern of public facilities’ being segregated by “race”
III. How African Americans worked to attain Civil Rights
A. The march of 1963
1. Was noted for racial unrest and civil rights
2. Marched for jobs and freedom
3. Protested against the brutality of the police force
4. Martin Luther Jr. delivered the famous “I Have a Dream” speech
IV. How African Americans worked to Attain Voting Rights and equality
A. 15th Amendment
B. The Voting Rights Act of 1965
1. Enforced the constitutional right to vote for all citizens.
2. Considered one of the most effective pieces of civil rights legislation ever enacted in
The United States
1. Fought social and racial inequality through legislation, court cases and protests.
2. Oldest and largest civil rights organization
3. Niagara Movement
CONCLUSION: African Americans finally received the civil rights that all people should have. African Americans have established an enormous role in the beginnings and the history of the America. Their continuous fight for equality and rights as American people have spanned many years.