
50 Question Study Sheet

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50 Question Study Sheet

Hi, I have created a 50 question study sheet to help me study for an upcoming exam. This exam will determine if I can get into the college that I choose, and it is vital that I am prepared. I ask you to find the answers to these 50 questions, Please have done as soon as possible, thanks!

1. Progressives were united by
A. Geography
B. A common political party
C. Their occupation
D. A desire to improve society

2. During the early 1900s, poor children seldon benefited from public education because they
A. could not afford tuition
B. were not permitted to enroll
C. were forced to attend private schools
D. often had to work to help their families

3. Probably the most emotional progressive labor reform was the
A. effort to reduce working hours
B. campaign against child labor
C. struggle for higher wages for skilled workers
D. campaign against women in the workplace

4. The NAACP grew out of the ideas of
A. W.E.B. Du Bois
B. Booker T. Washington
C. The Tuskegee Institute
D. Woodrow Wilson

5. The billionaire financier who helped construct major trusts was
A. John Mitchell
B. George f. Baer
C. J. Piermont Morgan
D. Elihu Root

6. Roosevelt used his office to end a strike of
A. coal workers
B. steel workers
C. railroad workers
D. textile workers

7. Upton Sinclair`s novel "The Jungle" led to reform in the
A. steel industry
B. food and meat-packing industry
C. railroad industry
D. cosmetic business

8. Theodore Roosevelt`s attitude toward trusts was that
A. All trusts were harmful and should be broken up
B. trusts were evidence of the strength of the American business and should be encouraged
C. trusts that worked outside the law should be quickly brought to justice
D. the government should be careful not to offend the owners of powerful trusts.

9. Robert La Follette said Roosevelt would probably be remembered for
A. keeping the peace
B. breaking up trusts
C. promoting conservation
D. settling strikes

10. Taft`s true ambition lay in the
A. legislative branch
B. executive branch
C. judicial branch
D. diplomatic service

11. The Ballinger-Pinchot controversy caused the public to believe that President Taft did not care about
A. conservation
B. unskilled workers
C. farmers
D. civil rights

12. William Howard Taft`s administration
A. accomplished little toward reform
B. achieved a reputation for reform but accomplished little
C. was widely praised for its reform achievements
D. was remembered more for its failures than its achievements

13. Theodore Roosevelt returned to national politics because
A. he had been unsuccessful in business ventures
B. he was disappointed in Taft`s performance
C. the Republican party asked him to run again
D. Taft refused to support the Square Deal.

14. The real battle in the election of 1912 was between
A. Taft and Wilson
B. Roosevelt and Wilson
C. Roosevelt and Taft
D. Debs and Wilson

15. By bolting from the Republican party, Roosevelt
A. gave people a clear choice for progressive reform
B. assured the election of a Democratic president
C. improved Taft`s support among Republicans
D. brought together all progressives under one banner

16. Unlike Roosevelt, Wilson wanted to
A. restore free competition by destroying monopolies
B. create a more powerful government to control trusts
C. allow economic forces freedom from government interference
D. support progressive reforms by federal power

17. The Underwood Tariff Act included a provision for
A. levying an income tax
B. increasing the sales tax
C. raising duties
D. creating monopolies

18. The Clayton Act prohibited all of the following except
A. ruinous price cutting
B. operation of labor union
C. "tying" of contracts
D. interlocking directorates

19. President Wilson actually set back reforms previously benefiting
A. children
B. farmers
C. African Americans
D. immigrants

20. The Federal Reserve Act gave the national government control over
A. national parks and forests
B. trusts
C. the armed services
D. banking and the money supply

21. A 1904 study estimated that 10 million Americans were
A. immensely rich
B. underfed, underclothed, and poorly housed
C. living in comfort
D. able to purchase an automobile

22. As a result of Progressive reforms in education
A. the school year was shortened
B. the curriculum became more traditional
C. the number of high schools went up slightly
D. laws were passed requiring attendance

23. Most progressive reformers were
A. recent immigrants
B. middle-class urban professionals
C. legislators in local governments
D. from religious backgrounds

24. Progressive leadership was
A. primarily within the Republican party
B. primarily within the Democratic party
C. broad based, largely unorganizaed, urban, and professional
D. tight knit, from small towns, and socialist oriented

25. Reforms in consumer protections included
A. the end of the "millionaires club"
B. the adoption of temporance laws
C. the passage of the pure food and Drug Act
D. workers` compensation laws.

26. Abolishing the "free pass" to politicians and others was one way that the Hepburn act of 1906 strengthened the
A. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
B. Clayton Antitrust Act
C. Highways Act
D. Expedition Act

27. Many people including President Taft, believed that high tariff rates encouraged
A. fair business practices
B. monopolies
C. price decreases
D. a decrease in the cost of living

28. One reason the public thought that Taft was attacking the conservation movement was because Taft
A. failed to support the speaker of the House
B. vetoed the Payne-Aldrich Tariff
C. supported Ballinger against Pinchot
D. supported the direct election of U.S. senators

29. Wilson claimed that lower tariff rates would help businesses by
A. closing American markets to foreign products
B. increasing prices of goods
C. creating a surplus of goods
D. opening foreign markets to American goods.

30. The Clayton Antitrust Act lost most of its effectiveness partly because of
A. lack of enforcement by the federal courts
B. precise wording
C. its unfavorable attitude toward trade unions
D. unfavorable interpretations by the federal courts

31. African American leaders who supported Wilson in the 1912 election later turned against him because he
A. focused too heavily on foreign affairs
B. was a segregationist
C. failed to stop lynchings in the South
D. did not promote progressive reforms

32. President Roosevelt believed that trusts
A. should all be busted
B. should be regulated
C. could not be all be made to obey the law
D. did not prevent the growth of monopolies

33. Chief Forester Pinchot accused Secretary of Interior Ballinger of
A. fraud in opening public lands for sale
B. siding with the old Guard in congress
C. accepting bribes from the timber lobby
D. wasting money on irrigation projects

34. The Roosevelt administration helped end the 1902 strike by
A. backing the mineowner`s position
B. seizing the mine with federal troops
C. putting pressure on the owners to back down
D. ordering the miners back to work

35. The 12 Federal reserve banks serve the financial needs of
A. only large corporations
B. all corporate and individual customers
C. only national banks and other member bans
D. only the Federal treasury

36. Roosevelt`s interest in conservation measures came as a result of
A. pressure from Old Guard leaders
B. his deep love of the wilderness
C. the influence of cattle and mining lobbies
D. his sense of public opinion

37. The phrase "strong as a bull moose" refers to
A. Cannon`s victory over the Insurgents
B. Taft`s support of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff
C. Wilson`s moral earnestness
D. Roosevelt`s comment on his 1912 candidacy

38. The 1902 coal strike represented a turning point in labor history because it was the first time a President
A. used his powers to negotiate a settlement
B. sent federal troops to fight the striking workers
C. closed an essential industr
D. ordered the miners back to work

39. A major difference between Roosevelt and Taft was that Taft
A. opposed a graduated income tac
B. did not practice strong presidential leadership
C. did not work to end trusts
D. refused to speak out for progressive reforms

40. The President who became known as the Professor in politics was
A. William Howard Taft
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. William McKinley
D. Woodrow Wilson

41. The effects of rapid urbanization of American cities contributed to the beginnings of the prigressive movement, in large part because
A. cities could not meet the needs of a growing population
B. reformers were against big industry
C. indistries brought needed changes to urban centers
D. progressives believed that unions should include skilled workers only

42. The efforts of Florence Kelley convinced many states to abolish
A. child labor
B. direct primaries
C. minimum wage legislation
D. single-tax colonies

43. President Taft continued Roosevelt`s progressive program by
A. actively promoting women`s right to vote
B. pursuing antitrust cases
C. selling several million acres of Alaska`s public lands
D. abolishing Jim Crow practices in federal offices

44. President Wilson established the Federal Reserve system to
A. reorganize the federal bamking system
B. enforce the Clayton Antitrust Act
C. make federal loans available to farmers
D. end child labor in all states

45. A basic anti-suffrage argument was that women would
A. prevent prohibition
B. fail to exercise their voting rights
C. became too masculine
D. refuse to pay taxes

46. Which adment gives voters the power to elect their senators directly?
A. Sixteenth
B. Twentieth
C. Nineteeth
D. Seventeenth

47. Which amendment allows Congress to levy taxes on an individuals income?
A. 16th
B. 20th
C. 19th
D. 17th

48. In 1904, the Square Deal became the campaign slogan of
A. William Jennings Bryan
B. Theodore Roosevelt
C. William McKinley
D. William Howard Taft

49. The Miami-Elkins Act was passed to regulate
A. banks
B. the meat-packing industry
C. political parties
D. telephone and telegraph companies

50. The Federal reserve Act of 1913 partifcularly aided
A. large companies
B.small banks
C. farmers
D. conservative business groups.

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